其实Unity提供了手动切换场景的方法,把AsyncOperation.allowSceneActivation设为false就可以禁止Unity加载完毕后自动切换场景,修改后的StartLoading_2代码如下: // this function is not workprivateIEnumeratorStartLoading_2(int scene){AsyncOperationop=Application.LoadLevelAsync(scene);op.allowSceneActivation=false;while(!
改动后的StartLoading_2代码例如以下: // this function is not workprivateIEnumeratorStartLoading_2(intscene){AsyncOperation op=Application.LoadLevelAsync(scene);op.allowSceneActivation=false;while(!op.isDone){SetLoadingPercentage(op.progress*100);yieldreturnnewWaitForEndOfFrame();}op.allowSceneActivation=true;...
Loading。是指从文件、内存(主要是Streamed scene AssetBundle)中加载Scene的内容,创建并读取所有相关的Game objects、Assets以及Scene game managers。所有的IO操作都在这一步完成,所以它是比较耗时的过程。当这一步完成的时候,我们内部会将加载进度标记为90%。 Awaking。主要是一些轻量级的操作,比如在Transform的Awaking...
其实Unity提供了手动切换场景的方法,把AsyncOperation.allowSceneActivation设为false就可以禁止Unity加载完毕后自动切换场景,修改后的StartLoading_2代码如下: // this function is not work private IEnumerator StartLoading_2(int scene) { AsyncOperation op = Application.LoadLevelAsync(scene); op.allowSceneActivation ...
Note:with Unity 3.0, the scene loading implementation has changed significantly and now all scene assets are preloaded. This results in fewer hiccups when instantiating game objects. If you need more fine-grained control of asset loading and unloading during gameplay, you should useResources.Loadand...
The asynchronous part of the scene loading is complete. You can now safely call ContentSceneFile.IntegrateAtEndOfFrame when you are ready to activate the scene.
[Obsolete("Use SceneManager.LoadScene")] public static void LoadLevelAdditive(int index); // // 摘要: // /// // Unloads all GameObject associated with the given scene. Note that assets are // currently not unloaded, in order to free up asset memory call Resources.UnloadAllUnusedAssets....
“Add Current” button or by dragging and dropping scene files onto the build dialog. Here, you can reorder them, as well (which, again, makes loading scenes by index dangerous because they can easily get reordered). You can enable or disable these scenes for any build by checking or un...
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