if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)&&isrotatorA) { transform.Rotate (0, 0, 30 * Time.deltaTime); isrotatorD = true; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D) &&isrotatorD) { transform.Rotate (0, 0, -30 * Time.deltaTime); isrotatorA = true; } if (CheckAngle(transform.localEulerAngles.z)>30f)...
transform.Rotate(0, Input.GetAxis ("MouseX") * sensitivityHor, 0);}else if (axes == RotationAxes.MouseY){_rotationX -= Input.GetAxis("MouseY") * sensivityVert;_rotationX = Mathf.Clamp(_rotationX, minimumVert, maximumVert);float rotationY = transform.localEulerAngles.y;transform.local...
--Mouse Look 鼠标查看--Mouse Orbit 鼠标轨道--Smooth Follow 光滑后续--Smooth Look At 光滑预览 思念往昔AL 笃学好古 5 第六章 Terrain(地形)Create Terrain 创建地形创建一个新的地形Import Heightmap - Raw... 导入高度图导入已存地形的高度图Export Heightmap - Raw... 导出高度图导出当前地形的高度...
y; z += rotatedTranslation.z; } 3.4 LerpTowards 方法 LerpTowards方法实现了相机状态在两个状态之间的插值平滑过渡,包括旋转角度和位置。 public void LerpTowards(CameraState target, float positionLerpPct, float rotationLerpPct) { yaw = Mathf.Lerp(yaw, target.yaw, rotationLerpPct); pitch = Mathf...
Release the mouse button and theVkey when you are happy with the results (Shift+Vacts as a toggle of this functionality). Rotate a GameObject towards a point on a collider Use look-at rotation to rotate a GameObject towards a point on the surface of a collider. This is useful to orient...
}voidOnMouseDrag() {this.transform.Rotate(newVector3(Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"), -Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"),0) *6f, Space.World); } 缩放的代码,缩放、自动旋转、拖拽物体 privateboolonDrag =false;publicfloatspeed =6f;privatefloattempSpeed;privatefloataxisX;privatefloataxisY;privatefloatcXY;void...
Class MousePanZoomRotate. Inheritance Object Behaviour MonoBehaviour MousePanZoomRotate Inherited Members MonoBehaviour.IsInvoking() MonoBehaviour.CancelInvoke() MonoBehaviour.Invoke(String, Single) MonoBehaviour.InvokeRepeating(String, Single, Single) MonoBehaviour.CancelInvoke(String) ...
public void Rotate() { float w = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * rotSpeed; rot -= w; } //纵向旋转 public void Roll() { float w = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * rollSpeed; roll -= w; if (roll > maxRoll) roll = maxRoll;
handle one or more weapon, activate buttons, get stunned, jump, 3D pathfinding, surface sounds, push, pathfind to mouse (3D), persist across scenes, walk and slide on slopes, use moving platforms, slow down time, orient or rotate your character towards movement and/or weapon direction, and...
Left mouse clicks spawn additional resources at the point clicked (determined by casting a ray from the cursor). The camera can be controlled with the mouse (hold down right button to rotate, use mouse wheel to zoom). Highway Racers: Simulate traffic on a 4-lane highway. ...