public Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat depthStencilFormat ; 描述 The format of the depth/stencil buffer.The returned format is the actual format that is used when RenderTexture.Create is called. This format can be different than the depth/stencil format that was set on the RenderTexture if ...
Depth format is used to render high precision "depth" value into a render texture. Which format is actually used depends on platform support and on the number of depth bits you request through the constructor.You can also set an exact depth-stencil format with RenderTexture.depthStencilFormat ...
Attempting to release a non-temporary RenderTexture as a temporary texture. 微信小游戏报错-改成Switched to D16修复,用image过渡可以渲染32的 depth/stencil format unsupported -d32 sfloat s8 uint (94)。 There is no compatible format on this platform or this fallback to a compatible format is dis...
另外特别注意的是在创建一个RenderTexture(不论是用new还是gettemporary)时对depthBuffer的设置,如果将33,34行的depthBuffer设置为16/24/32,Blit输出的图像始终就都是相机渲染的图像?关于RenderTexture中depthBuffer这块还不是很理解,之后还需要查下资料,这里暂标记下。有兄弟了解的可以在评论区交流。 接下来是几个shader...
作用:提供创建RenderTexture所需的数据。其中含有width、height、msaaSamples等信息。 其中graphicsFormat、depthStencilFormat所使用的枚举类型GraphicsFormat需要引入命名空间:using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; 有时SetGlobalTexture时,存入的图为纯黑或者纯白(Renderdoc截帧),可能是由于RenderTextureDescriptor格式导致的问...
bool supportsRenderTextures:(只读)是否支持渲染纹理。 bool supportsRenderToCubemap:(只读)是否支持立方体纹理。 bool supportsShadows:(只读)是否支持内置阴影。 bool supportsSparseTextures:(只读)是否支持稀疏纹理。 bool supportsStencil:(只读)是否支持模版缓存。
For more information on RenderTexture formats, see GraphicsFormat. For more information on formats for other texture types, see TextureFormat. Depth Stencil Format The depth stencil format for the RenderTexture. For more information, see RenderTexture.depthStencilFormat. Note: If the texture isn’t ...
highlightingEvent(true, (stencilZBufferDepth > 0)); } // 如果没有高光物体,我们不需要渲染场景 else { return; } stencilBuffer = RenderTexture.GetTemporary((int)GetComponent<Camera>().pixelWidth, (int)GetComponent<Camera>().pixelHeight, stencilZBufferDepth, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); ...
RenderTexture.width 宽度 RenderTexture.volumeDepth 体积深度 RenderTexture.useMipMap 使用MipMap RenderTexture.SupportsStencil 支持模板 RenderTexture.sRGB 标准色 RenderTexture.SetGlobalShaderProperty 设置全局着色器性能 RenderTexture.RenderTexture 渲染纹理 RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary 释放临时渲染纹理 RenderTexture.Release...
height, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); d.dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2DArray; d.volumeDepth = 2; // We will have 2 slices (I.E. 2 textures) in our texture array. renderTextureArray = new RenderTexture(d); renderTextureArray.Create(); = "My Render Texture Array";...