UnityEditor.VisualStudioIntegration.SolutionSynchronizer.Sync () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/VisualStudioIntegration/SolutionSynchronizer.cs:207) UnityEditor.SyncVS.SyncSolution () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/SyncProject.cs:190) UnityEditor.SyncVS.SyncAndOpenSolution () (...
UnityEditor.VisualStudioIntegration.SolutionSynchronizer.Sync () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/VisualStudioIntegration/SolutionSynchronizer.cs:207) UnityEditor.SyncVS.SyncSolution () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/SyncProject.cs:190) UnityEditor.SyncVS.SyncAndOpenSolution () (...
I don't know if this is part of the problem, but it appears every time I open vscode. Steps To Reproduce I have these versions of extensions related to the problem: Expected Behavior I was hoping to see the number of variable references. ...
在Xcode 中,从菜单中选择View>Navigators>Show Project Navigator 选择Unity-iPhone项目,然后激活Build Settings选项卡 在搜索字段中输入:Other C Flags 在其中添加-mno-thumb标志,然后重新构建库。 如果库来源不明,则应要求供应商提供库的非 Thumb 版本。
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
postprocess根据目前的使用情况来看,非常不稳定,容易出错, Shader error... failed to open source file '.../StdLib.hlsl'... (on d3d11)这个错误比较常见,解决办法是关闭unity,删除 <Project>\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.postprocessing@2.1.6文件夹,重新打开即可...
Failed to resolve packages: The file [<project-path>/Packages/manifest.json] is not valid JSON: Unexpected token '}' at 44:1 } You can use the information contained in the error message to fix the JSON. There are a number of online validators that you can use to try to correct the ...
Open the project in UnityIn the Unity Hub, add the sample project, which is the space-jam-a-new-legacy-mrtk-starter-project/SpaceJam/ folder.If necessary, allow Unity to upgrade the project to your installed version.Next, open the project in Unity....
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.*What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring root project'Gradle'.> Could not resolve all artifactsforconfiguration':classpath'.> Could not download fastutil-8.4.0.jar (it.unimi.dsi:fastutil:8.4.0)...
Pre-built SDK from thewebsiteor open-source from this repo:https://developers.google.cn/unity/archive?hl=zh-cn___ [REQUIRED] Please describe the issue here: In My project , I use UPM import Firebase SDKs, then, build for android, but error ...