Library name Unity Library description an unit test framework for pure C Source repository URL Project homepage (if different from the source repository) Anythi...
RPG Editor: ORK Framework 3 (2025) 4.7 (327) Gaming is Love On sale for: $75.00 $75.00 Original price: $150.00 $150.00 -50% New Release STYLIZED Desert Kingdom (Not enough ratings) PHIDEAS On sale for: $50.00 $50.00 Original price: $100.00 ...
想要使用Test Framework进行单测,首先需要创建测试模块,Unity提供的GUI来完成这个创建的过程。 打开window - general - Test Runner 此时,若已经检测到了测试模块,则Test Runner中会显示case列表,若没有检测到测试模块,则会显示创建模块按钮: 根据不同的单测模式,点击Create PlayMode/EditMode Test Assembly Folder,则...
在Project窗口中,找到包含要包括在引用程序集中的脚本的文件夹。 在该文件夹中创建程序集引用资源(菜单:__Assets__ >Create> __Assembly Definition Reference__)。 为资源分配名称。 Unity 会重新编译项目中的脚本以创建新程序集。完成后,便可以为新程序集定义引用更改设置。
-testPlatform、-testResults、-runTests运行测试。请参阅Unity Test Framework包文档。 -username <username>在激活 Unity Editor 期间,在登录窗体中输入用户名。 -vcsMode <mode>设置此会话的版本控制模式。可用模式为"Visible Meta Files"、"Hidden Meta Files"、Perforce和PlasticSCM。可以使用其他标志来填写给定版本...
MessagePack for C# (.NET Framework, .NET 8, Unity, Xamarin)The extremely fast MessagePack serializer for C#. It is 10x faster than MsgPack-Cli and outperforms other C# serializers. MessagePack for C# also ships with built-in support for LZ4 compression - an extremely fast compression algorithm...
ProjectActivity ProtectionStatus PurviewDataSensitivityLogs PurviewScanStatusLogs PurviewSecurityLogs REDConnectionEvents RemoteNetworkHealthLogs ResourceManagementPublicAccessLogs SCCMAssessmentRecommendation SCOMAssessmentRecommendation SPAssessmentRecommendation SQLAssessmentRecommendation SQLSecurityAuditEvents SecureScoreControls...
可以在Project选中一个资源(预制件,材质,贴图,声音等),然后在Inspector下面的AssetBundle设置打包成的名称和后缀。如果名称带层级的如:scene/cube,那么打出来的AB包会自己添加一个scene目录,然后在目录下存在了cube资源包。 AB包可以存在依赖关系,比如GameObjectA和GameObjectB共同使用了Material3, 然后它们对应的AssetBundl...
Refactor project preparing for v3 new structure Jul 30, 2024 README MIT license Pitaya is an simple, fast and lightweight game server framework with clustering support and client libraries for iOS, Android, Unity and others through theC SDK. It provides a basic development framework for distribut...