1.产生随机的地图结点(RandomFillMap())。 1.1. 根据给宽高还有填充百分比,随机分配洞或墙结点(就像二维码)。 2.平滑结点们生成房间(SmoothMap())。 2.1. 遍历每个结点,计算其周围8个结点为墙个数,等于4个时保持不变,大于一半则自己也变成墙,反之为洞。 3.清除小的墙体、空洞(ProcessMap())。 3.1. 先删掉...
int[,] map = new int[width, height]; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { map[i, j] = Random.Range(0, 2); } } 上述代码将生成一个宽为10、高为10的二维数组map,数组中的每个元素都是0或1,可以根据这个数组来生成关卡。 PCG角色生成 PCG...
Procedural Isometric Map Generator is used for making procedural isometric maps at small, large or infinite scale. All you have to do is create a tile biome and a decoration set and assign them to the generator. Tile biome uses Unity's isometric rule tiles. This asset also creates colliders...
These settings allow for a more deterministic approach to procedural generation. Specifying your own seed allows for map generation to be more predictable. If you want "truly" randomization of each map, select 'Use Random Seed'. Otherwise, define your own (one will be generated if not specified...
A fully procedural building generator, creates an entire mesh from scratch and paints it's vertices. Keep in mind that the generated mesh has no uv map so using it with Standard shader is pointless. BuildingGeneratorComponent: A simple minimal example on how you can use BuildingGenerator ...
新增三十余个节点,包括 Procedural/Shape, Input/Lighting 等,覆盖常用动态模型,简化光照渲染开发。 操作优化 优化LOD 预览,便于开发者进行整体调试。 优化颜色分类并新增热力图颜色模式(Heatmap),提升节点类型识别度,后者帮助快速识别图表中 GPU 占用量高的节点,进一步优化性能。
https://github.com/SteveJohnstone/VoronoiMapGen 来源: http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/game-programming/polygon-map-generation/ 关键字:unity biomes Procedural 视频 在Unity 中生成程序生物群落 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZyrimErjJ0&ab_channel=Flaroon ...
2)新建一个用于存储的立方体纹理(在Project 视图下单击右键,选择Create -> Legacy -> Cubemap 来创建)。为了让脚本可以顺利将图像渲染到该立方体纹理中,我们需要在它的面板中勾选Readable选项。 3)从Unity菜单栏选择GameObject->Render into Cubemap,打开我们在脚本中实现的用于渲染立方体纹理的窗口,并把第1步中创建...
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; [ExecuteInEditMode] //在编辑器模式下运行 public class ProceduralTextureGeneration : MonoBehaviour { public Material material = null; #region Material properties //纹理属性 [SerializeField, SetProperty("textureWidth")] //纹理...
Additionally, you’ll master how to apply these skills to any map size while accounting for performance, allowing you to implement procedural generation in numerous game projects, increasing their replayability. You will learn how to: Generate noise maps to determine the shape of the terrain ...