Decreasing apk size It is possible to decrease the size of the Play Games Services Unity Plugin by removing code for the Play Games Services features that your game doesn’t use by using Proguard. Proguard will remove the Play Games Unity plugin code for features that are not used in your ...
Construya un Android APK non-Development Build firmado desde su aplicación. Mirar la documentación acerca de Empezando con el desarrollo Android para aprender más.Recomendación: Tome precauciones especiales para almacenar de manera segura su archivo keystore. El keystore original siempre se ...
Scripting para Android Support for APK expansion files (OBB)APK expansion files are used as a solution for the 100MB app size limit in the Google Play Store. If your app is larger than 100MB (which is quite likely for a big game), you have to split your output package into the main...
Construir un plugin Java para Android There are several ways to create a Java plugin but the result in each case is that you end up with a .jar file containing the .class files for your plugin. One approach is to download theJDK, then compile your .java files from the command line wit...
A implantação rápida doAndroid acelera a instalação do APK e o processo de implantação, e a API Memory Advice do Google permite um gerenciamento de memória mais preciso. O DirectX 12 agora é a API gráfica recomendada para WindowseXboxe estabelece a base para recursos gráfic...
Unity与Android的简单交互,Unity打开Android相册并调用 前端时间本想着去弄个小工具,就是图文生成视频,可是这个的API接口的调用的测试权限死活申请不下来,只能放弃,就顺道看了下BaiduAI,竟然被我发现了一个很有趣的API接口。人像动漫化,于是就想着整一个人像动漫化APP,主要功能就是通过获取手机相册中的图片进行人像动漫...
(图源:Unity 乐高学习项目)...在交互稿和策划案有了后就可以开始规划工作了 --- 拆任务。...", false);//是否需要右上角显示关闭按钮 // para.Add("needCancel", false);//是否需要显示取消按钮 // para.Add("...needSubmit", false);//是否需要显示确定按钮 // para.Add("shut",(PopupBase....
Android修改屏幕最低亮度安卓修改最低亮度 感谢halflover的教程 反编译framework-res.apk 打开\framework-res\res\values\integers.xml 然后找到 <integer name="config_screenBrightnessSettingMinimum">20</integer>最低亮度<int Android源码更改屏幕最低亮度 apk APK text/cache-manifest appcache APPCACHE application/x-ms-application application APPLICATION application/vnd.lotus-approach apr APR application/x-freearc arc ARC image/x-jg art ART application/pgp-signature asc ASC video/x-ms-asf asf ASF text/x-asm asm ASM ...
Abra un símbolo del sistema, navegue hasta el archivo APK y ejecute adb install <YourFileName.apk>. Inicio del proyecto de ejemplo Una vez instalado el APK en el dispositivo, debería poder encontrarlo e iniciarlo desde el menú de la aplicación de Quest. Para buscar rápidamente aplicacione...