此外核心工具包还包括大量的额外功能,和大量的拓展包、插件用于整合创建次世代的多人 FPS 游戏。市面上其他工具包都无法和 MFPS 媲美,首先 MFPS(核心和拓展包)里的功能数量更胜一筹,其次,其他的一些工具包和模板只注重 FPS 系统,不支持多人平台实现,或是多人平台性能较差;注重多人的工具包基础功能又很少,玩法...
The Alteruna Multiplayer FPS Template is a versatile Unity template designed to help developers create immersive first person and third person multiplayer shooter games. This template provides a solid foundation for building multiplayer FPS games with a range of features, including camera swapping, reloa...
FPS Sample Update about the state of the project:This project is based on Unity 2018.3 and no longer being actively maintained. Feel free to continue to use it as a learning resource or simply for inspiration. As always, you should upgrade to latest version of Unity and packages if you int...
Space Frontier Complete Game Template v1.5.5一款完整的太空探险游戏模板,包含航天器控制、探索和资源管理系统。 MFPS 20 Multiplayer FPS提供一个多人第一人称射击游戏的模板,包含网络同步、武器系统和玩家控制。 Twicks - Twin Stick Shooter Kit一款双摇杆射击游戏模板,提供简单的射击控制和敌人AI,适合开发射击类...
- Added Grenades - Bug Fixes - Adapted to new Photon Updates EZFPS is a multiplayer first person shooter template for Unity3d, using Photon Unity Networking. EZFPS is designed to make a simple FPS Deathmatch style game, with Ai bots, zombies, player classes, weapon loadouts, weapon skins and...
FPS游戏开发Unity插件UFPS Photon Multiplayer Starter Kit v1.0.1 U3D源码 143款 Racing Game Template v1.7.3a – unity赛车游戏模板 U3D源码 143款 100多种Unity足迹走路步行音效Footsteps Sfx Ultimate Pack v1 U3D音效 21款 Ultimate VFX v3.5.2 – Unity火焰烟雾闪电特效插件 ...
Use MFPS 2.0: Multiplayer FPS from Lovatto Studio to elevate your next project. Find this & more Packs and templates on the Unity Asset Store.
Unity3D 低模人物射击游戏 完整源码 Low Poly FPS Pack http://www.idoubi.net/unity3d/complete-project/171.html Unity3D 高仿海岛争霸策略游戏源码 Simple City Builder http://www.idoubi.net/unity3d/complete-project/181.html Unity3D 第三人称射击游戏源码 Third Person Cover Shooter Template ...
MFPS 2.0 is an advanced multiplayer first-person shooter game kit to help kickstart the development of your own online multiplayer First Person Shooter (FPS) game. this template includes all the basics and tons of advanced systems and features that all multiplayer shooters require; this game fram...
FPS Sample Thanks for checking out our project! This is a fully functional, first person multiplayer shooter game made in Unity and with full source and assets. It is in active development by a small team from Unity Technologies. Our goals are to test and showcase new features in Unity and...