Camera.main.transform.Translate(Camera.main.transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * 10 * (GetDistance(Camera.main.transform.position, transform.position) - distanceToCharacter) , Space.World); // } } //converts control input vectors into camera facing vectors void GetCameraRelativeMovement() { Trans...
, Space.World);//}}//converts control input vectors into camera facing vectorsvoidGetCameraRelativeMovement() { Transform cameraTransform=Camera.main.transform;//Forward vector relative to the camera along the x-z planeVector3 forward =cameraTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); forward.y=0...
如果没有选中此属性,对象仍将接收抓取回调,但您将需要通过脚本手动移动它们。 Grasped Movement Type:抓取的移动类型---当对象被一个交互控制器持有时, 它应该如何移动到它的新位置非运动学体将与其他刚体碰撞,所以它们可能不会到达目标位置。 Override Interaction Layer:覆盖层交互---设置为true,这个交互对象将覆盖...
but you can also use it for other objects). Drag the path from Blender onto the Path slot. Use Move Speed to control the overall speed of the camera movement, though relative speeds within the path are controlled by how far apart the points are. So if you ...
Movement Type 属性可以将移动限制为仅在一个轴上。你可以认为就像在轨道上移动一样,但也可以将这个脚本与其他移动脚本结合起来创建更细致的移动。例如,你可以使用这个脚本将移动强制为水平轴,同时结合使用 Jump 脚本,即可创建一个平台控制器。 注意:请记住,即使是在一个轴上施加力,也会由于碰撞而无法阻止对象在另...
However, this didn’t create the effect I wanted – I wanted to remain largely looking down as the camera zoomed in, and only pull up to match that player’s look vector at relatively close zoom levels, and also to ease the movement at both ends of the zoom. ...
Use Move Speed to control the overall speed of the camera movement, though relative speeds within the path are controlled by how far apart the points are. So if you want a completely even speed, make all the points pretty much the same distance apart from each other. Direction is either ...
c. LocalMovement :局部移动,如果勾选此属性将会按照局部坐标移动。 d. Orientation :运动朝向,分为ToPath朝向路线LookAtTran朝向Tran和LookatPos朝向点. e. LookAhead :朝向前瞻性,数值越大朝向约向靠近更前方的点。 f. Relative :点相对,表示路径点是否与物体为相对的。
Oculus Integration 开发包中有个 OVRManager 脚本被挂载到 OVRCameraRig 物体上。OVR Manager 中有个 Tracking Origin Type 参数,它相当于追踪的参考系,参数分为 Eye Level, Floor Level 和 Stage。 VR 设备会对头显进行追踪,于是现实中头显的位置和旋转数据会被传输给 Unity,让 Unity 中的眼部相机匹配上现实中...