在Component里面会讲到Center On Child这个功能是作用在父节点上的,即把父节点的位置移动到子节点的中心位置3D Object3D对象2D Object2D对象Light灯光Audio声音UIUI类型对象Particle System粒子特效Camera摄像机Center On Children以子类为中心Make Parent选中多个物体后,点击这个功能可以把选中的物体组成父子关系,其中在层...
Move To View(移动到视图中) 改变对象的 Position 的坐标值,将所选对象移动到 Scene 视图中 Ctrl + Alt + F Align With View(与视图对齐) 改变对象的 Position 的坐标值,将所选对象移动到 Scene 视图的中心点 Ctrl + Shift + F Align View To Selected(移动视图到选中对象) 将编辑视角移动到选中对象的中...
Clear Parent清除父类 Apply Change To Prefab同步预制件 Break Prefab Instance撤销同步预制件 Set as first Sibling设置为第一子集 Set as last Sibling设置为最后一个子集 Move To View这个功能经常用到,把选中的物体移动到当前编辑视角的中心位置,这样就可以快速定位 Align With View把选中的物体移动到当前编辑视角...
local space is always relative to the parent game object. With a top-level game object, this is the same as world space. All child game objects are listed in the Editor in coordinates relative to their parent, so a model in your app of a house, for example,...
hideFlags Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? name The name of the object. childCount The number of children the parent Transform has. eulerAngles The rotation as Euler angles in degrees. forward Returns a normalized vector representing the blue axis of...
Make Parent : 设置父物体 Clear Parent : 清楚父物体 Apply Change To Prefab : 修改内容应用于预制物 Break Prefab Instance: 中断实例化的预制物 Set as first sibling: 设置为第一 Set as last sibling:设置为最后 Move To view: 移动窗口 Align with View:跟随窗口 ...
parent:父对象Transform组件。 worldToLocalMatrix:矩阵变换的点从世界坐标转为自身坐标(只读)。 localToWorldMatrix:矩阵变换的点从自身坐标转为世界坐标(只读)。 root:对象层级关系中的根对象的Transform组件。 childCount:子对象数量。 lossyScale:全局缩放比例(只读)。
Child entities will be released along with the parent.var e = Entity.Create(); var eChild = Entity.Create(); eChild.SetParent(e); // you can remove the parent from a child. eChild.Unparent();📘 ECS moving entities to another layer...
The Simulation Space property determines whether the particles move with the Particle System parent object, a custom object, or... Physics 2D Raycaster The 2D Raycaster raycasts against 2D objects in the scene. This allows messages to be sent to 2D physics objects that implement... Physics Profi...
RandomFailure - Returns failure to it's parent with a random chance value between 0 and 1 RandomPosition - Generates a random position within a min/max range and assigns the value to the blackboard MoveToPosition - Reads a position from the blackboard, and sets the navmesh agent destination...