“EnemyUnit”脚本自身并没有任何行为逻辑代码。它只是在合适的时间执行SO中的MoveUnit方法。 如果一个方法需要场景中的数据,EnemyUnit对象就可以把数据以参数的形式传递进来,场景中任何可能的依赖项也可以传入。 TIPS: 修改SO数据 你可以在runtime下修改SO中的数据,但是要小心。因为可能有多个MB对象都引用同一个SO...
public void Move(Vector3 direction) { Rigidbody unitRB = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); //为可移动单位的刚体设置速度 unitRB.velocity = direction.normalized * speed; //播放移动动画 PlayAnimation("combat_run_aim"); //可移动单位的方向计算 if (unitRB.velocity.x > 0.1 ||unitRB.velocity.x < -0...
float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); Vector2 move = new Vector2(horizontal, vertical); // 当前玩家输入的某个轴向值不为0 if (!Mathf.Approximately(move.x, 0) || !Mathf.Approximately(move.y, 0)) { // lookDirection = move; lookDirection.Set(move.x, move.y); lookDirection.Norm...
四、角色控制器实现 1.第一种 开始动手实现角色移动: 新建两个3D对象,一个平面一个胶囊,平面代表地面胶囊代表我们控制的角色。 给胶囊添加组件Rigidbody、Character Controller 新建一个脚本命名为Move Control挂载到胶囊上,打开编辑脚本 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; ...
计算移动的方向是用目标位置减去僵尸目前的位置,,因为你不想改变僵尸Z轴的位置,所以我们设置moveDirection的z值为0,并用Normalize将moveDirection变为长度为1的”单位长度(unit length)”.Unit length的向量用起来是很方便的,可以通过一个标量值,如moveSpeed乘以这个向量来让向量指向一个方向,而保持长度.后面会用到...
// I am setting how fast I should move toward the "player" // per second. In Unity, one unit is a meter. // Time.deltaTime gives the amount of time since the last frame. // If you're running 60 FPS (frames per second) this is 1/60 = 0.0167, ...
Refer back to method 7 in Figure 1. In that example I take a local normalized (or unit) vector of Vector.forward, which is (0,0,1). This by itself doesn’t have much meaning. However, it shows intent to move something on the Z axis, which is forward. What if the object is ...
1.了解各种不同 UI Scale Mode 2.Pixels Per Unit 每单位像素 3.Canvas Scale Factor 缩放因子 4.Reference Resolution(预设屏幕大小) 5.Screen Size丶Canvas Size 之间的关系与算法 使用环境 与 版本 Window 7 Unity 5.2.4 Canvas Scaler Canvas Scaler是Unity UI系统中,控制UI元素的总体大小和像素密度的Compoen...
DOMoveX(10, 3).WithCancellation(ct), transform.DOScale(10, 3).WithCancellation(ct));DOTween support's default behaviour(await, WithCancellation, ToUniTask) awaits tween is killed. It works on both Complete(true/false) and Kill(true/false). But if you want to reuse tweens (SetAutoKill(...
public class ExampleClass :MonoBehaviour{ voidUpdate() { // Move the object forward along its z axis 1 unit/second. transform.Translate(Vector3.forward*Time.deltaTime); // Move the object upward in world space 1 unit/second. transform.Translate(Vector3.up*Time.deltaTime,Space.World); } }...