1、我们在Unity工程内通过点击Package Manager弹出框然后在里面下载的插件,Unity是会帮我们自动下载到C:\Users\用户名字\AppData\Local\Unity\cache\packages\packages.unity.com目录下面,然后在把文件拷贝一份缓存到F:\项目名字\Library\PackageCache目录下,然后再F:\项目名字\Packages目录里面的manifest.json里面记录下...
在unity3d 编辑器 MonoDevelop 中引用外部自定义dll文件报错:are you missing an assembly reference? 因为unity还停留在.NET Framework3.5,所以需要在Visual Studio项目中设置 或者选择 然后点击生成按钮,生成成功后,在目录下找到该dll文件 拷贝到unity工程目录 Assets/Plugins目录下, 在MonoDevelop工程中引用, 引用成功 ...
在unity3d 编辑器 MonoDevelop 中引用外部自定义dll文件报错:are you missing an assembly reference? 因为unity还停留在.NET Framework3.5,所以需要在Visual Studio项目中设置 或者选择 然后点击生成按钮,生成成功后,在目录下找到该dll文件 拷贝到unity工程目录 Assets/Plugins目录下, 在MonoDevelop工程中引用, 引用成功 ...
Type UnityEngine.Mesh' does not contain a definition forGetTriangleStrip’ and no extension method GetTriangleStrip' of typeUnityEngine.Mesh’ could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? 错误指出:Mesh不包含GetTriangleStrip的定义,也没有UnityEngine类型的扩展方法“GetTriangleStrip”。 解决方...
Type UnityEngine.Mesh' does not contain a definition forGetTriangleStrip’ and no extension method GetTriangleStrip' of typeUnityEngine.Mesh’ could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? 错误指出:Mesh不包含GetTriangleStrip的定义,也没有UnityEngine类型的扩展方法“GetTriangleStrip”。
The type or namespace name `Advertisements' does not exist in the namespace `UnityEngine'. Are you missing an assembly reference? 大概的意思就是 UnityEngine 里边没有 Advertisements 这个命名空间 但是奇怪的是,在我的另一个工程内,同样的操作却没有报出这样的错误 ...
AssemblyIsEditorAssembly ->具有该属性的程序集中的任何类都将被视为编辑器类 程序集级别的属性。具有该属性的程序集中的任何类都将被视为编辑器类。 (暂不清晰用法) BeforeRenderOrderAttribute ->自定义渲染前回调的顺序 当您需要为 Application.onBeforeRender 指定自定义回调顺序时,使用此 BeforeRenderOrderAttrib...
错误提示:error CS1061: Type `System.IO.FileInfo' does not contain a definition for `Delete' and no extension method `Delete' of type `System.IO.FileInfo' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) ...
On the first line in the empty text file, enter:-r:System.Net.Http.dlland then save the file. You can replace "System.Net.Http.dll" with any included assembly that might be missing a reference. Restart the Unity editor. Taking advantage of .NET compatibility ...
Mono. So when you're writing your game, everything might work fine in the editor, but when you go to build for UWP, you might get errors like this:The type or namespace 'Formatters' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Runtime.Serialization' (are you missing an assembly reference?