一、创建摄像头控制器对象(Create the camera handler object) ①创建Camera Holder这个emptyobj,在其下面再创建Camera Pivot, 把主摄像头拖到Camera Pivot下面 ②右键创建脚本CameraHandler.cs 二、给摄像头控制器对象写脚本 (SCRIPTING the camera handler object) 1)cameraHandler.cs using System.Collections; using...
Script to make 2d camera follow players in an interesting way. Usage Add the scriptFollowCamera2Dto your camera then set the appropriate parameters. Target- The transform object to follow. Damp Time- The time it took for the camera to follow the target. Default to 0.15 (seconds). ...
So you have a game either in 2d or 3d which you need the camera to follow the player. In this tutorial we will be discussing the different methods how you can use unity 2d and how to make the camera follow the player in your game. We will look at basic principles of doing this in...
To make a camera go along the path, put the PathFollow script on it (I put it in the Camera-Control menu, but you can also use it for other objects). Drag the path from Blender onto the Path slot. Use Move Speed to control the overall speed of the camera movement, though relative...
camera1.enabled = true; camera0.enabled = false; } if (Input.GetKey ("2")) { camera1.enabled = false; camera0.enabled = true; }} function OnGUI () { GUI.Box (Rect (10,10,100,90), "Camera Switch"); // Make the first button. If it is pressed, Application.Loadlevel (1) ...
简单的讲,就是代表了一个功能。新建一个空工程,默认有两个Object,主摄像机(Main Camera)和平行光源(Directional Light),它们分别使用了Camera组件和Light组件。当我们创建一个物体,比如,创建一个立方体,在Inspector面板中会默认出现有Transform、Mesh Filter、Mesh Renderer、Box Collider和Material等组件。
privatePhotoCapture photoCaptureObject =null;voidOnPhotoCaptureCreated(PhotoCapture captureObject){ photoCaptureObject = captureObject; Resolution cameraResolution = PhotoCapture.SupportedResolutions.OrderByDescending((res) => res.width * res.height).First(); CameraParameters c =newCameraParameters(); c....
然后会发现 main camera 会被这个改写,之前写的跟随脚本已经没有效果了。这时候我们只要调整新添加的这个 camera 即可。 将player 拖动到 follow 属性里。游玩一下游戏会发现此时镜头跟随就已经有了,而且会有一点缓冲,效果非常好。 点开body 属性,会发现 game panel 出现一些紫色蓝色的提示框,有利于我们调参。
cameras, change both camera’s H values to be 0.5 then set player one’s Y value to 0.5, and player two’s Y value to 0. This will make player one’s camera display from halfway up the screen to the top, and player two’s camera start at the bottom and stop halfway up the ...
Unity's flexible Camera object可调整相机对象 Properties 属性 Clear Flags 清除标记 Determines which parts of the screen will be cleared. This is handy when using multiple Cameras to draw different game elements. 决定屏幕的哪部分将被清除。当使用多个相机来描绘不同的游戏景象时,利用它是非常方便的 ...