unity Activation failed: serial number has reached maximum license activations. Please return a previously activated license and try again. 大致意思是绑定的设备数量达到最大值,一个unity pro账号有2个席位 我的需求是解除一个设备的席位绑定:
Symptoms: I see the error, 'failed to return the license. Please try again'. I see the message, '1 computer is manually activated. It cannot be disabled here. You may contact support for help with this issue when trying to return my activation. Cause: Manual or 'offline' activati...
. You must also return your license before you make any hardware changes or operating system changes to your computer. If you fail to return the license, the Unity license server sees a request from another computer and informs you that you have reached your activation limit for the license....
[LicensingClient] ERROR Failed to disconnect local IPC connection LICENSE SYSTEM [2021831 13:18:57] Next license update check is after 2021-08-31T08:24:06 LICENSE SYSTEM [2021831 13:18:57] Current license is already valid and activated. Skipping license activation process (Provided username/passw...
Context Something like 10-20% of our builds fail due to not being able to obtain a license from Unity. These failures seem to be intermittent and a re-run of the build usually "fixes" the problem. Suggested solution It would be nice if t...
... [Licensing::Client] Error: Code 20110 while processing request (status: serial invalid) [Licensing::Module] License activation has failed. Aborting. ... I did not find any related docs. I found the serial in Unity > About, but it's also masked. edit: we have some logic here th...
Fixed the detection of new versions of UnityVS. Fixed the prompt of the license manager when the license expired. Fixed a bug that could render the process list empty in the attach debugger to process window of VS. Fixed changing values of Booleans in the local view.1.2...
Webstorm激活时的部分问题 激活码输入之后显示webstorm This license has been cancelled. 不断要输入激活码,不显示激活码过期不显示上一条错误 已经在host文件中添加了百度的代码行 在host文件中再增加一行!!! www.jetbrains.com智能推荐spark 总结(比较乱) 参考http://www.cnblogs.com/tsxylhs/p/7427...
Installation Guide for Cisco Unity Express Virtual 9.0.x 1 Feature and Release Support Cisco Unity Express Virtual Feature Roadmap Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented 9.0.3 End of Support for License Activation Commands The commands license Cisco Unity Express activate voicemail ...
echo "::error ::There was an error while trying to activate the Unity license." if [[ $retry_count -eq 5 ]] then echo "Activation failed after 5 retries" fi elif [[ -n "$UNITY_LICENSING_SERVER" ]]; then @@ -54,8 +77,9 @@ else echo "Visit https://game.ci/docs/github/ge...