Unity assumes if an object doesn’t have a rigidbody component on it, it probably isn’t a moving object. It builds a static collision matrix internally to know where objects are, which enhances performance. When you move objects by moving the transform, this matrix has to be recalculated,...
(extendedEyeGazeDataProvider.GazeType.Right, timestamp); var combinedGazeReadingInWorldSpace = extendedEyeGazeDataProvider.GetWorldSpaceGazeReading(extendedEyeGazeDataProvider.GazeType.Combined, timestamp); var combinedGazeReadingInCameraSpace = extendedEyeGazeDataProvider.GetCameraSpaceGazeReading(extendedEyeGaze...
Vector3 translation = GetInputTranslationDirection() * Time.deltaTime; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift)) { translation *= 10.0f; } m_TargetCameraState.Translate(translation); 3.9 缩放和插值平滑过渡 通过鼠标滚轮实现相机的缩放功能。滚轮滚动时,修改boost参数,然后通过插值计算得到新的移动增强因子,...
The first step of the shader pipeline is the vertex function. Vertices, as you might know, are just points in 3D space. The vertex function will work with the vertices in the model (Along with other data such as normals) and prepare them for the next step, the fragment function. The ...
moving the player/camera to different points in the scene. When you download third-party packages or even sample games from the asset store, you typically must look for the scene files in your project to open. A scene file is a single file that contains all sorts of metadata about the ...
Randomize Direction(随机趋向):使粒子的y轴随机。0是不随机。1是最大随机。 Spherize Direction(球面化趋向):使粒子以一个球体的形态趋向于物体z方向。圆形就会贴到发射器上。如果是有厚度的,相当于每个厚度都是一个圆的形状,一层一层的。 Randomize position(随机位置):距离发射器原有发射点的位置远近随机值。
- we want to avoid rendering spike/hiccup when a new shader variant was seen by the camera first time ("create GPU program" in profiler) - we want to avoid increasing ShaderVariantCollection's keyword combination complexity - we want to avoid breaking SRP batching because SRP batching is per...
if(!Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition),outhit, 100)) return; // We need to hit something (with a collider on it) if(!hit.transform) return; // Get input vector from kayboard or analog stick and make it length 1 at most ...
坑点二:Pico获取的position以XR Origin 或者 Camera offset物体为参考系。然而Unity pico 执行旋转时会直接对Xr Origin进行旋转操作,总而言之,需要先使用本地坐标系确定眼动原点位置,再转换为世界坐标。 UNity XR tookit 提供的预制体 varlocalorigin=newVector3(eyeData.orientation.y,eyeData.orientation.z,-eyeDat...