当Unity编辑器提示“unity is running with administrator privileges, which is not supported”时,这通常意味着Unity不建议或不支持以管理员权限运行。以下是针对这一问题的详细解答和步骤: 1. 理解Unity运行时的权限要求 Unity编辑器通常设计为以普通用户权限运行。这有助于避免潜在的安全风险,同时确保与操作系统和其...
3.设置到“仅当应用尝试更改我的计算机时通知我(默认).”及其以上等级即可。 4.重启电脑,后重新打开工程就不会在提示“Unity is running as administrator.”
Unity is running as administrator Unity is running as administrator 点击Restart就无限弹这个框,点击后面I wish 的按钮能打开项目但提示风险,很烦。 网上搜了搜解决方法,有说设置 UAC“用户账户控制设置”级别的,这个方法我试着没用。 还有说新建个普通用户,用新账户登录使用Unity的,这个方法感觉有点呆。 在贴吧...
1.Win+R输入control,打开控制面板. 2.找到用户账户->更改用户账户控制设置. 3.将滑块调用中间仅当应用尝试更改我的计算机时通知我(默认). 4.重启电脑
这是第二张图的内容:Unity is running with Administrator privileges, which is not supported. Unity executes scripts and binary libraries in your project that may originate from third party sources and potentially be harmful to your computer. Unity may also execute scripts and binary libraries that ar...
) 条纹小肥强 默默无闻 1 搞不来,研究半天都还是未解决。我用普通和管理员用户打开都试过,都是弹这个窗,选左边进不去,选右边进去但是下面又有警告:Unity is running with Administrator privileges, which is not supported...怎么搞,怎么信息量那么少。。Unity不应该啊,大家都没遇到还是我太傻了。登录...
These games used to run on my system, and no solution I've found so far has worked. I've tried disabling my firewall, running as administrator, updating my drivers, and reinstalling the games. I am not running Citrix, I have no controller/joycon devices plugged in, and have tried ...
85.// Steam Client is not running. 86.// Launching from outside of steam without a steam_appid.txt file in place. 87.// Running under a different OS User or Access level (for example running "as administrator") 88.// Ensure that you own a license for the AppId on your active Stea...
安装unity2022后启动工程提示“Unity is running as administrator.” 摘要:问题背景:如题,最近项目更新到unity2022.3.6f1版本,在部分机器发现会不停提示“Unity is running as administrator.” 解决方案: 同网上大多数方案雷同,采用调整uac安全级别来避免。 1.搜索栏直接搜控制面板,或者win+r键入control,打开控制面...