创建一个新的空项目。如果 Package Manager 窗口加载成功,请将失败项目中的Library/PackageCache/com.unity.package-manager-ui@<version>文件夹替换为新创建的项目中的同一个文件夹。 作为最后的选择,您可以重置项目(重置为默认的包配置),然后将包逐个添加回来,直到问题得到解决为止。
Older versions of WalletConnectUnity are available underlegacy/*branches Unity 2021.3 or above IL2CPP managed code stripping level: Minimal (or lower) Android iOS macOS Windows WebGL (experimental) Documentation Install via OpenUPM CLI To install packages via OpenUPM, you need to haveNode.jsandopenup...
In your Unity Project, open the Package Manager window (menu:Window > Package Manager). In the list of packages, findCore RP Library. To find this package in older versions of Unity, you may need to expose preview packages. To do this, click theAdvancedbutton at the top of the window ...
Android 10 and olderWhen enabled, the application uses the screen space around the cutout on the shorter edge (such as the top or bottom) of the device. However, the application blocks the cutout on the longer edge (such as the sides) of the device with black bars. For more information...
In theHierarchypanel, right-click your scene, then selectCreate Empty(orGame Object>Create Emptyin older versions of Unity). Select the new Game Object and in theInspectorpanel, selectAdd Component. From the component drop-down menu, selectScripts>PlayFabLogin. ...
就地更新 (通过.unitypackage) 当需要大版本升级时(例如从3.8升级到4.0), 请参阅spine-unity文档中的更新章节. 如果是小版本升级(例如从4.0到新的4.0包), 请按以下步骤进行更新: 打开Unity项目. 双击unitypackage文件或将其拖入Unity编辑器的项目视图, 即可将.unitypackage导入你的项目. ...
For Unity 2019 and older only, confirm that Editor Attaching is selected. Close the Preferences dialog to complete the configuration process.Install or update the Visual Studio Editor packageIn Unity versions 2020 and later, a separate Unity Package is required for the best experience worki...
NethereumThis Unity package provides a simple way to integrate WalletConnect withNethereumlibrary. Older versions of WalletConnectUnity are available underlegacy/*branches Prerequisites Unity 2021.3 or above IL2CPP managed code stripping level: Minimal (or lower) ...
There are known issues in Visual Studio Tools for Unity that result from how the debugger interacts with Unity's older version of the C# compiler. We're working to help fix these problems, but you might experience the following issues in the meantime. ...
The FTP and TFTP servers must be set up for the software download. Make sure you note the IP address of each of these servers. The FTP server must support Passive FTP (PASV). The TFTP server must support file sizes greater than 16 MB (some older TFTP servers only support ...