and we see millions of fantastic online resources created by our community to help each other learn unity. This is one of the factors which has meant we could take time to create our own resource, safe in the knowledge that the community would...
High dynamic range rendering allows you to simulate a much wider range of colours than has been traditionally available. In turn, this usually means you need to choose a range of brightnesses to display on the screen. In this way it is possible to simulate great differences in brightness betw...
The entire team has gone above and beyond to make last minute changes for us, even when it means sticking around a little later in the day when necessary to meet our requests and deadlines. I just though you should know. Thanks again and have a nice weekend. Tom Atto - Director Hole ...
There is a possible workaround here that involves putting multiple textures into one (that is, literally just the diffuse and normal maps next to each other in one image, for instance) and then extracting them with uv maths in the shader. If this turns out to be worthwhile, I’ll add a...
really far and our drawing code, which still assumes a 1:1 correspondence between logical coordinates and editor window pixels, needs to render beyond the borders of the window itself because of the high zoom. The scale set in GUI.matrix will then scale this new clip area to the correct ...
Use the Project View in the Unity Editor to organize your assets. Unity keeps a meta file (if enabled, see Source control) next to each asset file that stores the asset’s import settings. That means you should avoid moving files through your OS file explorer, always move them from inside...
Experience working in a multidisciplinary team Strong C# Knowledge Experience working with multiplayer game systems, specially client / server scenarios Solid Maths foundation Strong problem-solving skills Strong communication skills to discuss requirements, deliverables, and timelines with non-technical stakehol...
This then means that theEggclass doesn't need to worry about the maths going on in the GameController. It simply let's the GameController know an egg was collected, and then leaves it at that.
Unity is strength means when we are together then we become stronger. 2. Why is unity important? Unit is important because unity brings freedom, peace, success, courage, strength and hope. 3. How can unity bring a change in our society? When we are together and support each other then ...
By default, lights in Unity - directional, spot and point, are realtime. This means that they contribute direct light to the scene and update every frame. As lights and GameObjects are moved within the scene, lighting will be updated immediately. This can be observed in both the scene and...