Thomas Waterzooi had a late-night inspiration to build a Piet Mondrian art generator in Unity and gamify 130+ creations using Scriptable Objects. Please, Touch the Artwork became an award-winning hit, which Waterzooi pushed even further with help from Unity Gaming Services....
it commonly implies a state of harmony or agreement. For instance, "The figure on the left disrupts the unity of the painting" would mean that the figure detracts from the overall harmony of the artwork.Phrases
We employ some of the best people in the field, as a number of our specialists are credited for development and artwork in top AAA games. We also have a successful track record of launching games for our customers, our own demos and Arnia games. ...
Note:你可以使用这个教程提供的素材,音乐和音效在你想做的游戏中,但是必须注明来源在你的游戏中:“Artwork/sounds: from iOS Game by Tutorials book, available at” 创建你的游戏 打开Unity通过选择 File\New Project…. 点击出现的 Project Wizard 对话框中的 Create new Project 选...
『Please, Touch the Artwork』制作:Studio Waterzooi ここでは、2024 年以降を形作ると予想される 5 つのトレンドをご紹介します。ゲーム業界における AI の活用はさらに浸透し、常態化していく。 生成AI は、今後もゲーム開発に活用されていくでしょう。これにより、ユーザー生成コンテンツ...
来源: 折射是光线经过界面从一种介质进入另一种介质时,由于两种介质的密度不同而导致光线方向改变的现象。当光线从空气射入水中时,由于水的密度较大,光线被偏折,并且在适当的角度和条件下会产生折射现象。通过折射可以表现出水的透明度和质感,特别是随着法线和折射率变化导...
来源: 水体是我们最常见的材质之一,有海水、河水、湖水、积水……,有清澈的水、浑浊的水,有热带的水和寒带的水,毕竟水占地球表面积约71%,可谓各种各样、随处可见。但水体渲染涵盖了大量渲染难题,透明(最大的bug、性能问题源头之一)、次表面、镜面反射、折射、流体模拟...
在…/Sunnyland/artwork/Sprites/player/idle 中找到 Player 的 “闲置状态” 素材,注意Pixels Per Unit 的设置 这里统一 16。将 第一张素材图片拖入 Scene 中,或者在 hierarchy 中右键创建 2D Object -> Sprites -> Square 或者随便选一个,这里选的是 Square(这个只是设置 Renderer 中的 Sprite,后面要改,所以...
Like harmony and variety, unity is not easy to understand at first. Different from the elements of art, unity is an impression – a feeling the artwork conveys to the viewer. One can imagine a solitary shape and hold that shape in the mind. One cannot, however, simply imagine unity and...
003 进口艺术品(003 Importing artwork) - 大小:7m 目录:003 进口艺术品 资源数量:45,Unity3D_Unity 2D,001 欢迎,002 使用练习文件,003 进口艺术品,004 切割精灵,005 优化松散精灵`S结构封隔器,006 构建像素完美的正射相机,007 建立重复的背景,008 调整纹理以填充屏幕,009