I was able to fix this by manually opening the proper version of the unity editor from my program files directory. I then had to sign in and revalidate the license. I could then open the project with unity hub. All about bugs View bugs we have ...
大佬,这是怎么回事呀,按照网上的教程,改环境变量,重装hub和Unity都式过了,还是不行。点击diagnose会显示拒绝访问 QWQ200811 默默无闻 1 补充:换版本,重登录,重搞许可证都不行。就是突然就打不开项目了 QWQ200811 默默无闻 1 如图,一直卡在这不动,点叉就会弹出bug reporter,重新进入,删library和bee都没有...
终于在大佬的提点下将hub改回了2.4原版,官方的2.5版本好像也不行,还好电脑里有存2.4.5的版本。 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eZae11ZAfkTS2FpFTo1cYw 提取码:06pf 各种弹窗展示: Unable to add projec Failed to resolve project template: [com.unity.template.3d] is not a valid project template. ...
初识Unity——unity的安装以及工程介绍(安装unity hub、版本选择、中文设置、安装编辑器、Assets文件、Library 文件、[ProjectName].sln 文件)
解决工具 Project 问题 在之前的一篇文章中:unity shader - 圣斗士星矢 人物 shader 还原 - GPA 抓帧提取资源、shader,ROOT权限、救砖、ro.debuggable=1(最终还是RenderDoc无法抓帧) 我尝试了抓帧分析,并还原 圣斗士渲染效果 但是发现在以下部分平台的显示是不正常的: ...
目录 一、安装问题 二、SDK、JDK问题 一、安装问题 最近升级项目,用Hub 下载2020部分版本时,会出现安装文件错误、安装失败、新建项目加载失败等问题,试了好几个版本都这样,加载到一半报错,如下: The project you are opening contains compilationerrors. Entering Safe Mode allows you to resolve ... ...
It's kinda weird I had Unity running when I installed unityhub the first time (around 1 1/2 months ago) But suddenly (a few days after that) it started crashing, soon after opening a project (I guess it was anixos-rebuild --upgrade) . ...
Open a Bash shell first (before opening the Hub) andmanually launch the Unity Editorfrom that shell. 如果您使用的是 Windows,则可以使用setx命令在 Hub 进程启动之前在 Windows 注册表中永久设置环境变量。如果您可以确保脚本在启动时运行一次,并且 Hub 不会与 Windows 一起启动,则此解决方案最有效。例如:...
编辑器报错:Error building Player: Currently selected scripting backend (IL2CPP) is not installed. Open Unity Hub. Click on the "Installs" tab. Find the Unity version you're using for your project and click on the three dots to the right of it. ...
Open the project in UnityIn the Unity Hub, add the sample project, which is the space-jam-a-new-legacy-mrtk-starter-project/SpaceJam/ folder.If necessary, allow Unity to upgrade the project to your installed version.Next, open the project in Unity....