("Room");)来切换场景,然后unity就报错只能从主线程调用LoadScene,我就想到调用unity主线程来执行,可问题是ClentBase.CS脚本文件和unity工程里的脚本文件分别在不同的文件夹里面,using引用都没办法,这怎么办呀求指点思路 分享3赞 unity3d吧 Holmehº unity hub 中学习下载的项目文件在哪,而且一直卡在100%没...
加入Unity Discord 社区,这里游戏开发是每一次对话的核心。与其他创作者一起参与新讨论,获得开发人员的支持,分享项目,并为您的 Unity 项目发现无尽的灵感。 学习 Unity Learn 通过备受赞誉的教程、实践项目和深度课程提升你的 Unity 技能。为各个技能水平的创作者提供超过 750 小时的按需学习内容。
Downloading Unity using a Torrent Installing several versions at onceYou can install as many versions of Unity as you like on the same computer. On a Mac, the installer creates a folder called Unity, and overwrites any existing folder with this name. If you want more than one version of...
Unity Hub has a dedicated area for finding and downloading versions of the Unity Editor. You can easily find and download the latest versions of Unity – including beta versions. Furthermore, you can manually add versions of the Unity Editor you already have installed on your machine. To insta...
Unity Hub allows you to manage different Unity installations. After downloading it, follow the instructions on screen to set up Unity Hub on your machine. Sign in or create new account After Unity Hub installation has finished, open Unity Hub if it's not already running. Select theSign inbut...
This process has been updated for the latest version of the Unity Hub (3.x). To install a new version of Unity: 1. Open the Unity Hub and select the Installs tab. 选择要展开的图像 2. Select Install Editor to install a new version. 选择要展开的图像 3. Find the version you need an...
Educator Hub Search Discover free learning experiences by Unity experts to take your real-time 3D skills to the next level. New to Unity? The Unity Essentials Pathway introduces you to the basics of the Unity Editor: downloading the software, navigating the interface, and creating and publishing...
LiveEducator Hub Search Welcome to Unity Learn Discover free learning experiences by Unity experts to take your real-time 3D skills to the next level. Sign In New to Unity? The Unity Essentials Pathway introduces you to the basics of the Unity Editor: downloading the software, navigating the...
Unity 是一个出色的游戏开发平台,使用 Unity 构建高质量的 3D 和 2D 游戏,在移动端、桌面、VR/AR、游戏主机或在网页上部署它们,并与忠实且热情的玩家和客户联系。
At install time, refer toDownloading and installing Editors and modules with the Unity Hub. To an existing install, refer toAdd modules. The three modules to install are: Android Build Support Android SDK & NDK Tools OpenJDK Unity Hub displaying the three dependency modules. ...