终于在大佬的提点下将hub改回了2.4原版,官方的2.5版本好像也不行,还好电脑里有存2.4.5的版本。 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eZae11ZAfkTS2FpFTo1cYw 提取码:06pf 各种弹窗展示: Unable to add projec Failed to resolve project template: [com.unity.template.3d] is not a valid project template. ...
初识Unity——unity的安装以及工程介绍(安装unity hub、版本选择、中文设置、安装编辑器、Assets文件、Library 文件、[ProjectName].sln 文件)
Rename Project title https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityLauncher About Unity Hub Alternative Project Launcher with time saving features! Topics unitymanagerlauncherunity3dhubprojectunity-installationslauncher-unityhub-alternative Resources Readme License ...
Additionally, it is possible to reduce the size of the entire Unity project using Unity’sManaged Code Stripping, which will compress your entire project. This can be used in conjunction with Proguard. Go toFile > Build Settings > Player Settingsand clickPublishing Settingssection. ChooseProguardfo...
Project 问题 在之前的一篇文章中:unity shader - 圣斗士星矢 人物 shader 还原 - GPA 抓帧提取资源、shader,ROOT权限、救砖、ro.debuggable=1(最终还是RenderDoc无法抓帧) 我尝试了抓帧分析,并还原 圣斗士渲染效果 但是发现在以下部分平台的显示是不正常的: ...
初识Unity——unity的安装以及工程介绍(安装unity hub、版本选择、中文设置、安装编辑器、Assets文件、Library 文件、[ProjectName].sln 文件)
Have we said “From 0”🤔😏? Let’s go!- Launch Unity3D; the startup screen allows you to open an existing project or to start a new one; Choose to start a new...
Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Search for:Search Recent Posts Hello world! Recent Comments A WordPress CommenteronHello world! Archives September 2016 Categories Uncategorized ...
I am unable to publish my scene (suddenly). The build process pauses and then Unity crashes. I get no error message or information about how or why the...
You don't need to select 'Include all branches.' Clone this repository locally using Git. If you're unfamiliar with Git and GitHub,visit GitHub's documentationto learn more. Add the folder to Unity Hub and open it as a Unity Project. ...