Gamelauncher Studio On sale for: $108.00 $108.00 Original price: $120.00 $120.00 -10% New Release Pharaoh's Legacy: Egyptian Temple (Not enough ratings) Meshingun Studio On sale for: $99.50 $99.50 Original price: $199.00 $199.00 -50% ...
打开项目,打开名为 Game 的场景,点击 play。 要开始游戏,点击 New Game 按钮。玩游戏时,直接用鼠标进行移动,枪会自动跟随你的动作。点击鼠标左键开火,打中目标一次(它会以不同的时间间隔上下翻转)就会计分。试玩一下,看看在 30 秒内能拿到多少分。按 esc 键可以弹出这个菜单。 同这个游戏一样搞笑的是,它没...
配置(如果要存档游戏,需要在游戏服务设置中允许,配置中添加EnableSavedGame()配置) staticPlayGamesClientConfiguration config=newPlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder().RequestEmail().RequestServerAuthCode(false).RequestIdToken().Build(); 初始化 (只需要初始化一次,Start()函数执行即可) PlayGamesPlatform.Initialize...
首先在Hierarchy中空白区域右键打开菜单,选择“Create Empty”建立一个空白的GameObject,将其改名为GameMain,作为游戏的根节点。选中GameMain,右键,选择“Create Empty”,在GameMain中再新建Scene和UI两个节点 七星七班 锋芒毕露 3 Scene用来放场景中的物件,UI当然是用来放UI保存场景,名称为 Main先在在Scene中建立...
The place for aspiring game creators to share their latest Unity creation. Gain inspiration and find thousands of FPS, Karting, 2D Platformer and other creations with Unity. No experience needed, just jump in for the chance to be featured!
Use Unity Editor and its built-in capabilities to set up a simple game environment Write your own custom scripts to create the game functionality Create a basic user interface to improve the game experience Build your game, so other people can play it!
The place for aspiring game creators to share their latest Unity creation. Gain inspiration and find thousands of FPS, Karting, 2D Platformer and other creations with Unity. No experience needed, just jump in for the chance to be featured!
Looking for an opportunity to show off your Made with Unity Web game? Submit your game to a showcase on Unity Play. The best games will be chosen for exciting prizes - and bragging rights! submit your game Find the real-time 3D role that's right for you ...
Looking for an opportunity to show off your Made with Unity Web game? Submit your game to a showcase on Unity Play. The best games will be chosen for exciting prizes - and bragging rights! submit your game Find the real-time 3D role that's right for you ... 译者前言: 由于该教程发表时间较早,新版本Unity中有一处不能兼容的地方(当前参照版本2020.3.14f),译者没有做出修改,大家练习时根据引擎提示修改即可解决问题。立方体贴图的详细讲解可以参照马老师之前的教程:https://www...