比如以下例子:https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/automatic-hold-on-busy-dialog-makes-it-very-hard-to-exit-play-mode-if-update-takes-too-long 4.关闭项目删除该项目下的Library\ShaderCache文件夹(或整个Library文件夹)再重新打开该项目。 5.Reset该项目的Layout。 6.杀掉进程重启editor。 7.可能是w...
比如以下例子:https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/automatic-hold-on-busy-dialog-makes-it-very-hard-to-exit-play-mode-if-update-takes-too-long 4.关闭项目删除该项目下的Library\ShaderCache文件夹(或整个Library文件夹)再重新打开该项目。 5.Reset该项目的Layout。 6.杀掉进程重启editor。 7.可能是w...
如题。用unity配合c#做了个爬虫工具,获取网站上的资源因为爬取数据较大,我希望在执行过程中显示进度(爬取资源:xx/xxx)但实际执行时一直弹个对话框,显示Hold On(busy for XX sec),直到爬取完成后才能看到最终结果。请问如何把这个对话框去掉,让主界面上实时刷新进度报告先谢了。 星星草日光浴 Unitor 1 我也...
76.MediaPlayer[音频播放] 是需要判断当前的播放状态,设置一个播放状态的布尔变量,具体实现如下图所示: 播放音频文件的时候可以设置一个音频进度条,如果需要进度条跟随音乐播放而显示播放进度的时候,因为是同步的,所以需要开启一个线程...使用long类型来表示。 注意点2:当前音频播放时间的位置小于音频总时长,如果是lo...
(See Long Term Support) The 2020.3 LTS stream will remain available for installation on the Unity Hub until August 2023.Known Issues in 2020.3.48f1DirectX12: [macOS] Editor freezes when saving prefab changes in Play Mode if “VSync” is enabled (UUM-30173) GI: If a user is experience ...
Cisco Unity is dependent on the messaging subsystem, which is Lotus Domino. If the messaging subsystem fails, goes off line, performs poorly, or otherwise becomes unavailable, unified messaging functionality and the performance of Cisco Unity suffers. Because of this dependency on the messaging infras...
The Chosen One: "{125}{}{You helped build this place? That must have been a long time ago…}"Marcus: "{128}{mcs8}{Long story. Want it short or the whole thing?}"The Chosen One: "{130}{}{Hell, I’m not too busy. Let’s hear it all.}"Marcus: "{136}{mcs10}{Right......
call-forward busy 3100 call-forward noan 3100 timeout 20 hold-alert 30 originator ! ! User1's phone with 3001 on button 1 and 3050 on button 2 ephone 1 username "User1" password user1 mac-address 0009.B7F7.5793 button 1:1 2:42 ...
and while the West is busy with its organisation of a machine-made peace, it will still continue to nourish by its iniquities the underground forces of earthquake in the Eastern Continent. The West seems unconscious that Science, by providing it with more and more power, is tempting it to ...
“That's a story that works on Long Island. It's a story that works in upstate New York and even works in New York City. And I think that's going to make a connection with our voters.” CORRECTION: A previous version of this report misspelled Broome County GOP Chair Benji Federman...