Unity版本为2019.4.21f1,开启HDR,后处理没有使用URP,而是使用的Package Manager中提供的PostProcessing stack。 具体复现步骤为: 1,设置OpenGL ES3为默认图形API,color space选择linear 2. 在quality面板中选择Medium level,将anti aliasing设置为 2x 3. 在Graphics的Tier选项中去掉当前Tier的Default勾选,勾选上Use HD...
Volumetric lights will respect standard light's parameters like color, intensity, range, shadows and cookie. There are also additional parameters specific for volumetric lights. For example: Sample count - number of raymarching samples (trade quality for performance) ...
Version:Unity 6(6000.0) C# Screen.dpi Leave feedback public static floatdpi; Description The current DPI of the screen / device (Read Only). This is the actual DPI of the screen or physical device running the application. Returns 0 if unable to determine the current DPI. ...
// 使用_LightColor0得到最亮平行光的颜色和强度 // _LightColor0已经是颜色和强度相乘后的结果 fixed3 diffuse=_LightColor0.rgb*_Diffuse.rgb*max(0,dot(worldNormal,worldLight)); // Compute specular term fixed3 specular=_LightColor0.rgb*_Specular.rgb*pow(max(0,dot(worldNormal,halfDir)),_Gloss...
return float4(contrast4(x)*normalize(color*_C_ch)*_B,1); } ppsspp中实测 unity中实测 bloom 辉光效果 ppsspp中的辉光在unity种效果并不好,模糊处理不够,亮度过量,采样方式为grid采样 之前写过一篇详细博文关于HDR(与bloom相似) 关键代码: float4 frag(v2f i) :COLOR ...
不能在运行时修改,但是Mixed灯光的参数(比如Directional Light的参数Transform、Color、Intensity)可以在...
之前写过一篇详细博文关于HDR(与bloom相似) 关键代码: float4 frag(v2f i) :COLOR { float size = 1 / _Size; float2 uv = i.uv_MainTex; float3 color = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv_MainTex); float4 sum = 0; float3 bloom; for (int i = -3; i < 3; i++) ...
Uses a fast ACES (Academy Color Encoding System) transform to convert from HDR color space into LDR at the optimal stage within Beautify effect chain. As a bonus, Beautify includes a variation of ACES (ACES Fitted) and the newest/popular AGX, under MIT license. • LUT Color Transformation...
Added shadow intensity and shadow volume intensity properties to Light2D. Added new Gizmos for Lights. Added CinemachineUniversalPixelPerfect, a Cinemachine Virtual Camera Extension that solves some compatibility issues between Cinemachine and Pixel Perfect Camera. ...
–Color Presets now also support HDR colors. Saving a HDR color will overlay a lowercase ‘h’ on the preset swatch. –Color property fields can now be customized with the ColorUsageAttribute (show/hide alpha value, is HDR) –Added Hex color field ...