public class DefineManager : EditorWindow { const string DEF_MANAGER_PATH = "Assets/Editor/DefineManager.cs"; enum Compiler { CSharp, Editor, UnityScript, Boo } Compiler compiler = Compiler.Editor; // // Do not modify these paths...
然后我们编译成glsl看下结果,你会发现只有一个Global Keywords: <none>的关键词,即使你强制给他写个#define RED或者#define RED 1都没用,让我们看下unity的官方文档是怎么说的 我们看到官方说明,打上shader_feature标签的变体只有在build time构建的时候,他才会生成你开启了的变体,言外之意就是你不开启的变体,他...
FragmentGI 函数主要是设置一些所需要的值,然后调用UnityGlobalIllumination生成最终所需的UnityGI数据 UnityGlossyEnvironmentSetup 主要是求出了两个值 SmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness是通过光滑度求出粗糙度,也就是1-光滑度,reflUVW,根据眼睛和法向求出反射方向 准备好需要的全局光照计算数据以后,就要开始调用UnityGlobalIl...
三、Global maps tab
UnityDefineManager - Easily manage global defines in Unity. INI Files INI Parser - Read/Write an INI file the easy way! UnityIniFiles - A very naive implementation to import .ini configuration files into Unity. Command Palette DTCommandPalette - Command palette for Unity - run methods, open ...
Use global settings (stored in preferences)The default Cache Server set in thePreferenceswindow is used. EnabledChoose a specific Cache Server to use instead of the default. DisabledNo Cache Server is used. Prefab Mode PropertyDescription
from every quality setting for the current platform, then Unity strips those mipmap levels from the build at build time. IfQualitySettings.globalTextureMipmapLimitis set to a mipmap level that has been stripped, Unity will set the value to the closest mipmap level that hasn’t been stripped...
7、在声明变量的时候,通过CBUFFER_START和CBUFFER_END把在Properties里面有声明的变量包裹住,这样的做法是为了SRP Batcher的。需要注意的是,没有在Properties声明的变量,一般就是global全局变量,全局变量是不能包含在CBUFFER_START和CBUFFER_END里面的 8、fixed类型不再被支持,如果使用,会报错unrecognized identifier ‘...
使用Unity内置音频引擎时,启用需要在Player Settings --> Other Settings --> Scripting Define Symbols中添加UNITY_AUDIO_CAPTURE,如果Unity中的AudioListener是全局的,并不是每个Scene放置一个独立的AudioListener的话,则需要再添加UNITY_GLOBAL_AUDIO_LISTENER。 使用Fmod for Unity音频引擎时,启用需要在Player Settings...