LZMA 压缩包会在下载时解压,并以 LZ4 重新压缩缓存,可调用Caching.CompressionEnabled修改 IEnumeratorInstantiateObject(){stringuri="file:///"+Application.dataPath+"/AssetBundles/"+assetBundleName;UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestrequest=UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.GetAssetBundle(uri,0);yieldretur...
// KeyCode是一个枚举,包含几乎所有按键boolisPress=Input.GetKey(KeyCode key)// 按住按键持续触发boolisUp=Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode key)// 按键抬起的时候触发一次boolisDown=Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode key)// 按键按下的时候触发一次boolisDown=Input.GetKeyDown(string name)// 容易写错,不推荐// 专门检测...
在Unity工程的Assets目录下起一个名为“StreamingAssets”的文件夹即可,然后用Application.streamingAssetsPath访问,这个文件夹中的资源在打包时会原封不动的打包进去,不会压缩,一般放置一些资源数据。在PC/MAC中可实现对文件的“增删改查”等操作,但在移动端是一个只读路径。 Application.persistentDataPath路径(推荐使用) ...
例如,可以由一个 ushort 数据成员组成 R5G5B5A1 格式结构,并提供一些 get/set 方法以访问单个通道作为字节。 publicstructFormatR5G5B5A1{publicushortdata;constushortredOffset=11;constushortgreenOffset=6;constushortblueOffset=1;constushortalphaOffset=0;constushortredMask=31<<redOffset;constushortgree...
For Windows DesktopThe standalone (desktop) build is the default when you open Unity. With this build, Unity uses Mono to compile your game assemblies and packages them with the runtime engine. You get an executable file and a folder into which everything is pack...
“We didn’t have to change the network code at all to port it from PC to Xbox. It just worked..” “我们完全不需要更改网络代码即可将其从PC移植到Xbox。 它只是工作。 Unity Multiplayer is flexible enough to suit a wide range of games with both a high level and a low level API. When...
On a PC, the install folder is always named Unity X.Y.Z[fp]W, where the f is for an official release, and p is used to mark a patch release.We strongly recommend that if you rename a Unity folder, you name the new folder logically (for example, add the version number to the ...
Real-time shadows have quite a high rendering overhead; any GameObjects that might cast shadows must first be rendered into the... Single Pass Stereo rendering (Double-Wide rendering) Single Pass Stereo rendering is a feature for PC and Playstation 4-based VR applications. It renders both lef...
这主要发生在 Unity 丢失和拿回它的图形上下文控制权时,比如一个移动应用被挂起或者用户 PC 端锁屏。在这种情况下,Unity 必须给 GPU 重新上传纹理和 shader。如果上传的资产的源 AssetBundle 不可用,应用就会将场景中的对象显示成丢失 Shader 的洋红色的对象。
Are you looking for someone who can turn your Game idea into reality? Then you have come to the right Gig.I am a professional game developer with an experience of over 7 years of Game Development on Unity Game Engine for both Mobile and PC platforms. I have successfu...