[__DynamicallyInvokable]get{if(this.index ==0||this.index ==this.list._size +1) { ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource.InvalidOperation_EnumOpCantHappen); }returnthis.Current; } }internalEnumerator(List<T>list) {this.list =list;this.index =0;this.version =list._version...
//拖拽物体 从当前位置出发 向目标位置移动publicvoidMove(){if(!isInit)return;//获取移动百分比varpercentage=m_Scroll.DragPercentage;//获取当前所在的位置信息 以及目标点的位置信息varcurrentInfo=m_Scroll.GetScrollItemInfoByIndex(CurrentScrollIndex);vartargetInfo=m_Scroll.GetScrollItemInfoByIndex(TargetScro...
HcGetDepthBuffer Struct Summary HiCulling HcMeshType HcOccluderMeshType HcOccludeeBoxType Enum Value Summary HcErrorCode HcBackfaceWinding HcIndexBufferType 体积云插件 Overview Interface Summary CreateVolumeCloudRenderAPI CreateBakeShapeAPI Class Summary VolumeCloudRenderAPI BakeSha...
private void moveItemToIndex(int index, RectTransform item) { item.anchoredPosition = getPosByIndex(index); updateItem(index, item.gameObject); } private Vector2 getPosByIndex(int index) { float x, y; if(direction == Direction.Horizontal) { x = index % m_Page.x; y = Mathf.FloorToInt...
HcGetDepthBuffer Struct Summary HiCulling HcMeshType HcOccluderMeshType HcOccludeeBoxType Enum Value Summary HcErrorCode HcBackfaceWinding HcIndexBufferType 体积云插件 Overview Interface Summary CreateVolumeCloudRenderAPI CreateBakeShapeAPI Class Summary VolumeCloudRenderAPI BakeShape...
enumValueIndex = (int)TemperatureUnit.Celsius; } else // C -> F { valueProperty.doubleValue *= 9.0d / 5.0d; valueProperty.doubleValue += 32; unitProperty.enumValueIndex = (int)TemperatureUnit.Farenheit; } // Important: Because you are bypassing the binding system, you must save the ...
Fixed handling of enums. Fixed handling of nested member types. Fixed collection indexer access. Fixed support for debugging iterator frames with new C# compiler. Project Generation: Fixed bug that prevented compilation when targeting the Unity Web player. Fixed bug that prevented compilation when com...
值类型:包含了所有简单类型(整数、浮点、bool、char)、struct、enum。 继承自System.ValueTyoe 引用类型包含了string,object,class,interface,delegate,array 继承自System.Object 值类型存储在内存栈中,引用类型数据存储在内存堆中,而内存单元中存放的是堆中存放的地址。 值类型存取快,引用类型存取慢。 值类型表示实际...
{ var inputs, index; var array = new Array(); inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (index = 0; index < inputs.length; ++index) { array.push(inputs[index].id); } return array; }"; var coreScript = @" function SetInputValue(id, str) { document.getElementById...
unitylen = log.index(debugFlagStr) unitylen = unitylen + len(debugFlagStr) +1 endlen = log.find('(') if endlen >= 0: endIndex = log.index('(') addstr = log[unitylen:endIndex] addstr = addstr.replace(' ','') cmdstr = addr2linePath + debugsoPath +addstr ...