Within the Unity engine, developers can add "scripts" (written in C#) which make up some of the game logic - these will often be our target. Unlike more traditionally compiled games, these "scripts" are not simply compiled into the .exe where we can find a static memory offset to patch...
打开CheatEngine,然后单击 "打开进程(Select a process to open)" 按钮(左侧的第一个按钮,应该会列出所有正在运行的进程。选择 198X 进程,CheatEngine 应该会添加一个新的 "Mono" 菜单项。 在这个菜单项下有一个 "分析 mono(Dissect mono)" 选项,它提供了类似于 dnSpy 的功能。 弹出的窗口也提供了一个树形视...
我们要特别注意这些函数的jit_address,因为在之前的文章中,我们都用到了这个值——无论是在 CheatEngine 脚本中,还是在内存中用来搜索特定字节——以便进行修补。现在我们可以用更程序化的、且不需要通过 CheatEngine 的方式来找到这个地址... 但这里还有改善空间。 我提供的 Enumerator 中的一些代码肯定会存在错误或...
unity.com/games/introduction-universal-render-pipeline-for-advanced-unity-creators?ungated=true简介 本指南旨在帮助经验丰富的 Unity 开发人员和技术艺术家将他们的项目从内置渲染管线迁移到通用渲染管线 (URP)。 涵盖的主题包括如何:为新项目设置 UR unity管线怎么改 unity 渲染 URP 渲染管线 转载 bingfeng...
9月16号截止(更新:这个包延长至9月30号截止) affiliate: https://www.humblebundle.com/software/unity-fantasy-games-dev-assets-software?partner=leetgamedev 我每周分享游戏开发资源和有趣故事,求关注! 支持我的频道:➤动动手,免费给up点赞或者一键三连➤Steam愿望单: https://store.steampowered.com/app...
9月16号截止(更新:这个包延长至9月30号截止) affiliate: https://www.humblebundle.com/software/unity-fantasy-games-dev-assets-software?partner=leetgamedev 每周分享游戏开发资源和有趣故事,求关注! 支持我的频道:➤动动手,免费给up点赞或者一键三连➤Steam愿望单: https://store.steampowered.com/app/...
Arcade Car Game made using Unity Game Engine gamecargamesunitygame-developmentunity3dsource-codeunity3d-gameracing-gameunitygameunity-projectunity-car-gameunity-source-code UpdatedJan 19, 2024 HLSL I made this game by following the instructions of Unity - Beginner Platformer Series and made new addi...
Unity_Cheat_Sheet Table of Contents Fundamentals Unity Shortcuts MonoBehaviour Physics Events Serializing Variables Instantiating Finding Game Objects Destroying Games Objects Components Constants Vectors Quaternion Euler Angles Movement & Rotation Move Object Transform.Translate() Vector3.MoveTowards() Vector...
In games using the Unity engine, I often come across sections of code that look incomprehensible to me, even meaningless. For example, here is the code from the game RimWorld: Please explain the meaning of the instructions surrounded by a colored frame. There are more than a thousand such ...
unity.com/games/introduction-universal-render-pipeline-for-advanced-unity-creators?ungated=true简介 本指南旨在帮助经验丰富的 Unity 开发人员和技术艺术家将他们的项目从内置渲染管线迁移到通用渲染管线 (URP)。 涵盖的主题包括如何:为新项目设置 UR unity管线怎么改 unity 渲染 URP 渲染管线 转载 bingfeng...