In this Tutorial we will make a clone of one of the most fun games of all time - Bomberman. We will only write about 80 lines of code and everything will be explained as easy as possible so everyone can understand it. Foreword Our 2D Bomberman game will be inspired by theoriginal Bomb...
Window > 2D > Tile palette。此时将打开 Tile Palette窗口: 选择要展开的图像此窗口的中心为空,这是因为你还没有面板。 2.选择 Create New Palette。随即将出现一个窗口,允许你设置面板。选择要展开的图像为新面板命名(例如 GamePalette),然后单击 Create。 3.将新面板保存在 Tile 文件夹中(这是你在本教程...
In this unity 2d racing game tutorial we will be building a hypercasual racing game for mobile. This will be a simple unity 2d car game. So what this will entail is having a background that can infinitely scroll. Some obstacles we need to dodge. Some scoring system. As well as a way...
Tutorial 2D 平台游戏修改:颜色飞溅 Steps 1 颜色飞溅 2 额外积分 3 加入社区并进行分享 2D 平台游戏修改:颜色飞溅 教程 基础 5 分钟 7 (202) Unity Technologies 概述 摘要 通过在世界中设置颜色来自定义关卡! 资源 Micro-Games: Platformer 选择Unity 版本 最后更新:2021 五月 18 2019.3 2019.3 2019.2 2019.1...
Unity 4.3 2D 教程:新手上路 这篇文章译自Christopher LaPollo先生的 Unity 4.3 2D 教程的第一部分Unity 4.3 2D Tutorial: Getting Started 感谢这套优秀教程的作者@Chris!译者水平有限,翻译不准确的地方请参考原文,文中所有Unity的关键字都没有翻译。 如果你尝试用更早版本的Unity来制作2D游戏,那当然没问题,但你...
*Note, part of the tutorial (2D) follows this repo: Unity-Tutorial-2D 5. Sprites Sprites are what make up the visuals of the game. These could be png or jpeg (recommended because of small size) file. You can make your own and drag them into an Artworks folder. If you have multiple...
Unity 2D Pac-Man Tutorial Foreword Let's make a Pac-Man inspired game in Unity. The original game was released in October 1980 and soon became the most famous arcade game of all time. The game took the world by storm and due to its popularity, Unity Technologies included a tiny easter-...
Unity教程 2D射击游戏开发实战 全35课时 shoot'em up game development developer殿堂 Unity游戏开发教程:只需15节课学会用Unity做一款经典射击游戏 《3D幽灵射手》#零基础入门 游戏创业之路 1.4万2 独立游戏俯视角程序化无限地图生成 五脏丸 2.3万8 2:06:33 ...
以笔者目前掌握的技能来看,制作2d游戏是一个比较合适的选择,于是便选择了官方教程中的2d rogue like作为自己用来学习的项目。如果各位看官在阅读途中发现了什么问题,还希望及时指出。 附上教程地址: ...
Unity Crosshair and Aiming in a Top Down Game - Tutorial 04:32 Unity Shooting Arrows in Top Down Perspective Part 1 - Tutorial 05:59 Unity Shooting Arrows in Top Down Perspective Part 2 - Tutorial 05:32 Unity Top Down Shooting Animation with Blend Tree Part 1 - Tutorial (1) 06:50 Unit...