Windows Standalone (.exe) Mono Unity - generates .exe + libs Windows Phone 8.1 .NET Visual Studio/.NET (WinRT) When you perform a build for Windows, Unity is responsible for making the calls to generate the game libraries from your C#/UnityScript/Boo code (DLLs) and to include its nat...
安装和启用 Unity Hub 0 1. 找到下载好的 UnityHubSetup.exe 文件。 2. 启动UnityHubSetup 安装程序。 3. 按照平台说明安装 Unity Hub。 4. 打开Unity Hub 应用程序。 5. 选择安装位置,然后点击安装开始安装 Unity 编辑器。 选择要展开的图像 接下来,按照 Unity Hub 上的说明继续。 注意:如果你...
为了防止这种情况,在你不想破坏的对象上使用DontDestroyOnLoad( )函数,这是最常用的方式,可以将它用于加载一个关卡时保持音乐播放,或用于保存游戏状态和进度的控制脚本。 After the loading of a new level is finished, the message: OnLevelWasLoaded() will be sent to all active game objects. 何以最佳方式创建...
If the crashlog does not help you can disassemble it to get a rough understanding of what has happened. 使用Android NDK 下的 ARM EABI tools from the like this:objdump.exe -S >> out.txt Look at the code around pc from the stacktrace. try to match that code within the fre...
选择“Game Core”,然后选择“确认”,如以下屏幕截图所示。 下载最新的“工具和恢复”,如以下屏幕截图所示。 请注意,如果仅在电脑上交付,则不需要恢复。 若要下载每个文件,请选择“立即下载”。 安装GDK。 浏览到文件下载位置。 提取每个程序包。 浏览到提取的 GDK 文件夹,找到 setup.e...
When you debug a game, you aren’t debugging Unity.exe, as you might expect, because you can attach a debugger to a process from Visual Studio. Instead, you’re connecting over a port to Unity and then sending commands to the Unity soft debugger running inside of the editor. MonoDevelop...
Select the Workloads tab, then select the Game development with Unity workload. If Unity isn't already installed, select Unity Hub under Optional. Select Modify or Install to complete the installation. When Visual Studio completes the installation process, you're ready to set up Unity. Open the...
我们先来 Build 一个 Windows 平台的可执行文件测试下。点击 File → BuildSettings,这里的 Development Build 默认是先不打勾的,Resolution 这里先选择窗口模式(Windowed),预先设置个 1024 * 768 的窗口大小,大家可以自己修改设置。然后点击 “Build”,文件放在 BossRoomHelloDemo_exe 文件夹下面。
YAMLMerge (unityyamlmerge.exe) is a tool that is included with the Unity Editor and works with version control software to merge Scene and Prefab files. In this workflow, we’ll configure Git to use YAMLMerge. 选择Unity 版本 最后更新:2020 十二月 30 ...
原因可能是勾选了Development build之后,当抛出未捕获的异常时,调试版本似乎不会直接退出游戏。 几种验证unity是否为development build 的方法 外观上判断 如果是development build模式打包出来的安装包,在打包的应用中 画面的右下角会有development build的水印,且在切换场景也不会消失 ...