ThisbookisintendedforbothprofessionalsgamedevelopersandhobbistwhoareinterestedinmakinggameswithUnity.Usersareexpectedtohaveknowledgeofbasics/fundamentalsofunity2DgamedevelopmentandshouldhaveaworkingknowledgeofC#. 品牌:中图公司 上架时间:2015-02-18 出版社:Packt Publishing 本书数字版权由中图公司提供,并由其授权上...
Unity Game Development Cookbook_ Essentials for Every Gam 星级: 270 页 Unity Game Development Essentials 星级: 313 页 Unity Game Development Essentials 星级: 484 页 Unity Game Development Essentials 星级: 316 页 Game Development - (Unity Engine) Unity Game Development Essentials (Oct 2009) ...
Unity3d 4.x Cookbook 源码(1) 上传者:rosecai2020时间:2013-07-03 Unity3D((4.x5.x)版本游戏源码(4.x-2019)休闲游戏 Unity3D((4.x5.x)版本游戏源码(4.x-2019)休闲游戏提取方式是百度网盘分享地址 上传者:weixin_42095178时间:2024-05-02
Unity 5.x Cookbook - Unity英文教程电子书下载 Book Description Unity 5 is a flexible and intuitive multiplatform game engine that is becoming the industry’s de facto standard. Learn to craft your own 2D and 3D computer games by working through core concepts such as animation, audio, shaders,...
最近,他刚刚编写了Unity UI Cookbook一书,专门教授读者如何使用Unity开发引人注目并且实用的图形用户界面。此外,他还是Unity Game Development Scripting一书的审校专家。Francesco还是一位音乐家和作曲家,尤其擅长为小电影和视频游戏配乐。近年来,他还从事了演员和舞蹈家的工作。目前,他还是罗马布兰卡乔剧院的特邀嘉宾。
AndEngine for Android Game Development Cookbook pdf Q&A with Winston Chang, author of "R Graphics Cookbook: Practical Recipes for Visualizing Data" Q. Why is your book timely? A. Interest in R for data analysis and visualization has exploded in recent years. In the computer-tech world, co.....
Unity3d is a very mature game development software. After years of improvement and development, unity3d has been occupying a place in the game development market. In this project, unity3d is used as the game development engine to write 3D simulation driving games, and NWH vehicle physics plug...
This is the code repository forUnity 2021 Shaders and Effects Cookbook - Fourth Edition, published by Packt. Over 50 recipes to help you transform your game into a visually stunning masterpiece What is this book about? Shaders enable you to create powerful visuals for their game projects. How...
基于Unity3d的驾驶模拟器的设计与实现 Research and implementation of driving simulator based on Unity3d 内容摘要 随着近年来电竞业与游戏业的逐渐成熟以及规范化,游戏的
翻译:肥耀 Porting a Project Between Platforms 平台间的项目移植翻译:Cantilenao Mobile Developer Checklist 移动开发者清单翻译:悄悄 Crashes 系统崩溃翻译:悄悄 Profiling 性能分析翻译:悄悄 Optimizations 优化翻译:悄悄o How to deliver an application to the Apple Mac Store. Advanced 高级 o Vector Cookbook ...