In this Tutorial we will learn how to make a First Person Shooter (FPS) game in Unity. As usual, everything will be as simple as possible. We will focus on the following First Person Shooter elements: WSAD-Movement & Jumping Looking around with the Mouse A decent looking weapon Bullets t...
Vienna University of Technology. Retrieved from
创建新工程:下载FPS_Tutorial.zip压缩文件,解压,在Unity中打开工程文件。从Unity安装目录导入Standard Assets资源包。导入工程后,你会在Unity工程面板中的“Standard Assets”文件夹下看见这些资源内容。当我们导入新资源时,最好安装按照资源功能对其分组,例如:火箭、爆炸、音频等。3 设置游戏环境:导入资源后,你会...
Labschütz, M., Krösl, K., Aquino, M., Grashäftl, F., & Kohl, S. (2011). Content creation for a 3D game with Maya and Unity 3D. Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology. Retrieved from
我们将从内置的资源中添加一个对象到游戏场景.在Project面板中展开Standard Assets文件夹,展开预设(Prefabs),我们会看到第一人称控制器First Person Controller. -拖拽这个控制器到Scene中.注意看Game面板的变化,这是由于第一人称控制器(以下简称FPC)包含自己的相机,会替换主相机的视野.移动FPC到Plane之上. ...
I'm following the "Unity's creator community" tutorial and I wasn't sure if I should comment under the pinned post or create a new post, but creating a new post might bury someone's question so... - My time zone is CST. - My short term goal is to re-create the board game we...
United We Stand: Platforms, Tools and Innovation With the Unity Game Engine 团结则存:Unity 引擎带来的平台,工具与创新 摘要 游戏引擎 Unity 和 Unreal 之间的遭遇战为文化生产的平台化(plaformization)开辟了一条新战线。本文认为,这些程序是「平台工具」(platform tools)。它们虽然能让业余爱好者和专业人士为...
下载FPS_Tutorial.zip压缩文件,解压,在Unity中打开工程文件。 从Unity安装目录导入Standard Assets资源包。 导入工程后,你会在Unity工程面板中的“Standard Assets”文件夹下看见这些资源内容。当我们导入新资源时,最好安装按照资源功能对其分组,例如:火箭、爆炸、音频等。
Joe-style first-person shooter game. Follow these steps to start your own game project from scratch in Unity; (默认情况下,一个新的统一安装打开,并带有一个演示项目。2.6有一个岛的统一,而统一3.0有G.I. joe风格第一人称射击游戏。按照以下的步骤来开始自己的游戏项目从零开始在统一中)...
1 FPS游戏教程1 Part 1: Introduction第一部分介绍This tutorial will detail how to make a simple First Person Shooter (FPS). It will introduce fundamental 3D game programming concepts and give tips on how to think like a game programmer.这个教程将详细介绍如何制作一个简单的第一 人称射击FPS游戏 ...