tuanjie引擎,build安卓的时候,出现错误两个,求助已折腾两三天未解决:第一个:Library\Bee\artifacts\Android\AsyncPluginsFromLinker: Failed to find entry-points:0x00007ff6052b0abd (Tuanjie) StackWalker::GetCurrentCallstack0x00007ff6052b5a69 (Tuanjie) StackWalker::ShowCallstack0x00007ff606316e41 (Tuanjie...
Note: On Android devices with Unity 5.3 or older, this API will fail when trying to load AssetBundles from the Streaming Assets path. This issue has been resolved in Unity 5.4. For more details, see the section Distribution - shipped with project section of the AssetBundle usage patterns step...
[root@cl-server salt]# yum -y install https://mirrors.aliyun.com/saltstack/yum/redhat/salt-repo-latest-2.el7.noarch.rpm [root@cl-server salt]# sed -i "s/repo.saltstack.com/mirrors.aliyun.com\/saltstack/g" /etc/yum.repos.d/salt-latest.repo [root@cl-server salt]# cat /etc/yum....
Package Manager: Fixed a regression where packages would fail to resolve with a ENOENT mkdir error when the project path or global cache path contained quotes. (UUM-13252) Package Manager: Fixed an issue where having packages with a lot of versions increases domain reload time drastically. (UUM...
If the publisher server fails to synchronize with an NTP server, installation of a subscriber server can also fail. Step 5 Record the network interface card (NIC) speed and duplex settings of the switch port that connects to the new server. Enable PortFast on all switch ports t...
In your source control of choice, exclude the folders Library, Temp, obj as they are not needed to open the project on another computer and would just clutter the repository and use storage needlesslyIn the Unity Editor, go to Edit > Project Settings > Version Control...
GameObject.Find command456 GameObject.Find functionality352353 GameObjects activating349 adding Audio Source components to330 assigning to layers436 attaching scripts to empty336 creating a new empty319 creating empty for waves sound326 renaming or turning off108 with scripts or shaders114 in Unity101 ...
The container does not include a registration that it can use to resolve this type. Therefore, when you resolve either the IMessageQueue<> or IBlobContainer<SurveyAnswer> types, you must provide a value for this parameter otherwise the resolution will fail. This provides a convenient method to...
Rider: Updates to handling of hidden assets in Unity Explorer (#2280) Rider: Improve notification when opening a Unity project as a folder (#2286) Unity editor: Expand Find Usages editor window by default (#2239)FixedFix massive performance issue when opening very large projects on certain file...
"Failed to find entry-points" error after asset importing when the DLL files are named differently than their assemblies Package: Burst - Aug 01, 2023 Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project “StandaloneProfilerBugs” 2. Check the Console ...