Data Explorer*: 一个Unity Analytics Dashboard 页面,可让您构建、查看和导出有关 Analytics 指标和事件的报告。还可以查看指标和自定义事件如何随时间变化。更多信息 DAU*: (每日活跃用户,Daily Active Users)在指定日期启动会话的不同玩家的数量。DAU 包括新玩家和回头玩家。更多信息 DAU 与 MAU 之比 (DAU per...
How to create AppX package from Visual Studio ? After building the project from Unity Editor open it with Visual Studio In the solution explorer, right click on the project Store->Create App Packages Do you want to build packages to upload to the Windows Store? Choose No, then Next ...
TheProject windowis where you can find all the files (assets) available for use in your project, whether you use them or not. The Project window works like a file explorer, organized in folders. You can drag assets directly from the Project window into the Scene view to add them to the...
How do I know if my workspace includes a workspace catalog? Some new workspaces have a workspace catalog, which, when originally provisioned, is named after your workspace. To determine if your workspace has one, click Catalog in the sidebar to open Catalog Explorer, and search for a catalog...
GitHub. If you have version 0.18 or lower, you need to delete theAssets/Editor/GitHubfolder before you install newer versions. You should exit Unity and delete the folder from Explorer/Finder, as Unity will not unload native libraries while it's running. Also, remember to update your.git...
Open the Unity Project Explorer Alt+Shift+E View.UnityProjectExplorer Access Unity documentation Ctrl+Alt+M, Ctrl+H Help.UnityAPIReference Attach to Unity debugger (player or editor) no default Debug.AttachUnityDebugger You can change the shortcut key combinations if you don't like the default....
Open the Unity Project Explorer Alt+Shift+E View.UnityProjectExplorer Access Unity documentation Ctrl+Alt+M, Ctrl+H Help.UnityAPIReference Attach to Unity debugger (player or editor) no default Debug.AttachUnityDebugger You can change the shortcut key combinations if you don't like the default....
USESCHEMAandUSECATALOGprivileges on the schema and its enclosing catalog. CREATE_MODELprivilege on the schema. To grant this privilege, use the Catalog Explorer UI or the followingSQL GRANT command: SQL GRANTCREATE_MODELONSCHEMA<schema-name>TO<principal> ...
USE SCHEMA and USE CATALOG privileges on the schema and its enclosing catalog. CREATE_MODEL privilege on the schema. To grant this privilege, use the Catalog Explorer UI or the following SQL GRANT command: SQL Copy GRANT CREATE_MODEL ON SCHEMA <schema-name> TO <principal> Note...
一款为非程序员设计的 3D 项目。无论你是游戏美术、策划或是两者之间的任何职能,The Explorer: 3D Gamekit 都是一款绝佳的工具,让你无需编写代码即可将这一系列游戏玩法元素、工具和系统组成游戏玩法。我们使用该系统创建了一个共有 2 个关卡的 3D 游戏示例,供你探索。