Hi, I am having trouble using the GPG to get a server auth code which I can then use to do auth with with my own server. I am able to authenticate, and get the user's google id. However, I am unable to get a server auth code which I real...
排除错误:在Unity Connection Spechview上获取 许可证数据失败 目录 简介 先决条件 要求 使用的组件 日志分析 解决方案 简介 本文档介绍当图形用户界面(GUI)上的Cisco Unity Connection(CUC)版本12.5(1)显示错误消息时要 采取的操作:无法获取许可证数据.有关详细信息,请在启用/注册Speechview服务时查看...
code migration The migration process can be schematic visualized as: Unable to render rich display Loading chunk 334 failed.(error: https://viewscreen.githubusercontent.com/static/assets/334-dc423cb87c683b5f5141.js) For more information, see https://docs.github.com/get-started/writing-on-gith...
(false, ProcessServerAuthCode); } } private void ProcessServerAuthCode(string serverAuthCode) { Debug.Log("Server Auth Code: " + serverAuthCode); var request = new LoginWithGooglePlayGamesServicesRequest { ServerAuthCode = serverAuthCode, CreateAccount = true, TitleId = PlayFabS...
while (!firebaseInitialized) { yield return null; } auth = Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance; } // 初始化firebase void InitializeFirebaseAndStart() { FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWithOnMainThread(task => { var dependencyStatus = task.Result; ...
Firestore: Fixed an intermittent crash in the Unity Editor when the app is restarted while a transaction is in progress (#783). Firestore: Fixed a crash when writing to a document after having been offline for long enough that the auth token expired (#872).6.16...
); }, (PlayFabError error) => { Debug.Log("PlayFab LoginWithGoogleAccount Failure: " + error.GenerateErrorReport()); } ); } else { Debug.Log("Error when getting Auth Code."); } } } Add some code to launch a browser to the Google OAuth2...
19:19:04.789 |8060,,,CuSlmSvr,3,18-08-2020 ERROR [SLM-12] com.cisco.unity.slm.rpc.server.SlmRpcHandler#fetchThirdPartyKeys - Exception occured while fetching Third party key from Nesla - LicenseResponse status code: FAILED, message: Product Instance is not consuming...
It is only needed if you have a web-based backend for your game and need a server auth code to be exchanged for an access token by the backend server, or if you need an id token for the player to make other, non-game, API calls....