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(10)双击桌面上Unity.exe快捷方式,将会跳转到License注册界面,勾选“Activate a free 30-day trial of Unity Pro”选项,然后单击“OK”按钮进入Log into your Unity Account界面,如图1-29所示。 ▲图1-28 Unity.exe快捷方式 ▲图1-29 注册界面 提示 ...
mouse with a clickable scroll wheel. There’s a single download that can be licensed for free mode or pro. You can see the differences between the versions The Editor, which is the main Unity interface, runs on Windows (including Surface Pro), Linux and OS ...
Windows Command Prompt mkdirARRcdARR git clone powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File azure-remote-rendering\Scripts\DownloadUnityPackages.ps1 Open Unity Hub and add the sample project, which is theARR/azure-remote-rendering/Unit...
Close theBuild SettingsandProject Settingswindows. Connecting to a network This part of the guide shows you how to Create and Join a network. Open the HelloPartyLogic.cs script. In theOnLoginSuccessmethod, add the following code to create and join a network: ...
Recycle command buffers Indicates whether to recycle or free CommandBuffers after Unity executes them. Apply display rotation during rendering Enable this to perform all rendering in the native orientation of the display. This has a performance benefit on many devices. For more information, see docume...
Binary2text is shipped with Unity under on Mac or Unity/Editor/Data/Tools/ on Windows. 将步骤标记为已完成 10.Native memory 0 Native memory is a key component when optimizing applications, because most of the engine code is in resident memory. When you integrate cod...