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Wechat Mini Game Unity engine adapter documents. Contribute to wechat-miniprogram/minigame-unity-webgl-transform development by creating an account on GitHub.
Download the ET framework , open the server-side project , you can see that the server side references the client side of a lot of code , through the reference to the client code to achieve a dual-side shared code . For example, the network messages between the client-side and the serv...
Added the new background download WebView Update. Updated the Unity Ads SDK License. Updated thetargetSdkVersionto 29. Fixed a bug with the AdUnit View not regaining focus after a system popup. Fixed an issue with the Android background audio not resuming after the ad is closed. ...
本书的主要内容:第1章作为入门章节,介绍了ARCore的技术原理及开发Unity AR应用的环境准备及调试方法;第2章学习运动跟踪技术及3D音效;第3章学习环境理解技术及Shader知识;第4章学习光照估计技术及相应的光照模型知识;第5章学习图像识别技术;第6章学习ARCore计算机视觉相关技术;第7章学习AR与AI结合的相关技术,特别是神...
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(ls Unity_v*)\"" fi return 1 fi } download_and_prepare_before_script() { local repo_url="$1" local ref="$2" local file_path="$3" local output_path="$4" # Validate input parameters if [[ -z "$repo_url" || -z "$ref" || -z "$file_path" || -z "$output_path" ]...