可以从 Console 窗口菜单中打开日志文件。选择Open Player Log或Open Editor Log。 过时API 警告和自动更新 除了其他消息,Unity 还显示有关在代码中使用过时 API 调用的警告。例如,Unity 曾在 MonoBehaviour 和其他类中使用“快捷方式”来访问常见组件类型。因此,比如说,可使用如下代码来访问对象上的刚体: ...
A development build includes debug symbols and enables the Profiler. More infoEditor 术语 锚点(Anchor): 一种UI 布局工具,用于将 UI 元素固定到父元素。锚点在 Scene 视图中显示为四个小三角形控制柄,锚点信息也显示在 Inspector 中。更多信息 Console 窗口 (Console window)*: Unity Editor 窗口,其中显示 ...
另一种获取信息的方式是编辑器日志。游戏构建完毕后立刻打开Console窗口(Window > Console),在窗口的右上方有一个按钮,点击后选择 “Open Editor Log”。 此时系统会打开一个文档,其中包含很多构建相关的信息,特别是构建文件的大小以及资源占据的空间等。 在不同设备上进行测试 Android开发相当复杂,可能会出现很多问题。
Console: This window can become somewhat hidden, but it shows output from your compile, errors, warnings and so forth. It also shows debug messages from code; for example, Debug.Log will show its output here. Of important mention is the Game tab next to the Scene tab. This tab activates...
“script debugging” option in build settings dialog). If everything was done right and the fault actually is occurring in .NET code then you won’t see EXC_BAD_ACCESS anymore. Instead, the .NET exception text will be printed in the Xcode console (or else your code will just handle it...
`We should enter password when you open unity, otherwise We cannot build.`1.1.3配置gradle文件 ...
And also PlayerLoopHelper.DumpCurrentPlayerLoop logs all current playerloops to console.void Start() { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("UniTaskPlayerLoop ready? " + PlayerLoopHelper.IsInjectedUniTaskPlayerLoop()); PlayerLoopHelper.DumpCurrentPlayerLoop(); }...
public Text consoleText; [Tooltip("The model asset file that will be used when performing inference")] public NNModel[] modelAssets; [Tooltip("The backend used when performing inference")] public WorkerFactory.Type workerType = WorkerFactory.Type.Auto; ...
iOS: check the "Development Build" checkbox Android: check the "Development Build" checkbox For more info see:http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PublishingBuilds.html If Lunar Mobile Console is enabled- the plugin files would appear in your iOS/Android build: you can access the console with a ...
For more than 10 years Rick worked within the video game industry as Game Designer, Producer, Creative Director, and Executive Producer, creating games for console, mobile, PC and Facebook. He founded an Indie game studio, Inspirado Games, which was acquired in 2012 by Electronic Arts / ...