AlarmAfter(float second, Action callBack)执行一次 second 等待时间 callBack 将要执行方法 AlarmRepeat(float delay, float repeatInterval, Action callBack)循环执行 delay 第一次执行前延时时间 repeatInterval 重复间隔 callBack 将要执行方法 Stop(Clock clock)停止某一计时器 Dispose()停止全部计时器 详细代码 C...
Destroying GameObject / Actor 销毁物体 Destroying GameObject / Actor (With 1 Second Delay) 1秒延迟销毁物体 Disabling GameObjects / Actors 使物体处于不激活状态 Accessing the GameObject / Actor from Component 通过组件访问物体 Accessing a Component from the GameObject / Actor 通过物体访问组件 Unity: view...
1.Action Kit chainning style(Driven by MonoBehaviour or Update) this.Sequence() .Delay(1.0f) .Event(()=>Log.I("Delayed 1 second")) .Until(()=>something is done) .Begin(); object oriented style var sequenceNode = new SequenceNode(); sequenceNode.Append(DelayAction.Allocate(1.0f)); s...
StartCoroutine(DoSomeThingInDelay()); 最后附上学习Coroutines & Yield时所做的小例子,脚本的作用是不断随机改变材质的颜 色,演示demo使用”V字仇杀队”中的面具。 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class RandomColor : MonoBehaviour { public float delayInSecond = 1; public Material targe...
delay: 第一次timer触发在多少秒以后; 【返回值】: Timer ID号,根据这个ID号可以在TimerMgr中查到这个Timer对象,用来作为删除Timer的凭证; public int Schedule(TimerHandler func, object param, int repeat, float duration, float delay = 0.0f);
publicclassAsyncAwaitExample:MonoBehaviour{privateasyncvoidStart(){ Debug.Log("Wait.");awaitWaitOneSecondAsync(); DoMoreStuff();// Will not execute until WaitOneSecond has completed}privateasyncTaskWaitOneSecondAsync(){awaitTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); Debug.Log("Finished waiting."); } ...
Destroying GameObject / Actor (With 1 Second Delay) 1秒延迟销毁物体 UnityC++Blueprint Destroy(MyGameObject,1);MyActor->SetLifeSpan(1); Disabling GameObjects / Actors 使物体处于不激活状态 UnityC++Blueprint MyGameObject.SetActive(false);// Hides visible componentsMyActor->SetActorHiddenInGame(true)...
Debug.Log("after 1 second."); });_** > **_案例 循环调用_** > **_int i = 0; > Timer.SetInterval(1.0f, () => { Debug.Log(i++); });_** > **_API接口_** > public static int SetTimeout(float delay, Action func) //延时 ...
publicclassAsyncExample:MonoBehaviour{asyncvoidStart(){Debug.Log("Waiting 1 second...");awaitTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));Debug.Log("Done!");}} 在这两种情况下,有点意识到引擎盖下发生了什么是有帮助的。 简而言之,Unity协程是使用C#对迭代器块的内置支持实现的。您提供给StartCoroutine方法的I...
The default delay timer value is 1 second, and the max delay value is 5 minutes. Everytime a connection attempt fails it will double the delay timer value, until a maximum time of the max value. SaveAssetIfDirty Writes all unsaved changes to the specified asset to disk. SaveAssets Write...