Character Set选项设置为Custom Characters,然后在Custom Character List中输入项目中用到的中文字符,如果我们用到的中文比较多,则需要采用导入文件的方式(Charactors from File)。 然后点击按钮Generate Font Atlas,再点击按钮Save或Save as… 然后在Assets窗口中自动生成一个对应字体的文件:SourceHanSerifCN-VF SDF.asset...
在Font Asset Creator窗口中的Source Font File选中刚才我们下载的中文字体ttf文件。 Character Set选项设置为Custom Characters,然后在Custom Character List中输入项目中用到的中文字符,如果我们用到的中文比较多,则需要采用导入文件的方式(Charactors from File)。 然后点击按钮Generate Font Atlas,再点击按钮Save或Save ...
Text:Input Field的初始值。 Character Limit:字符数量限制,最大输入的字符数,0为不限制。 Content Type:内容类型,限定Input Field的输入内容类型,包括数字、密码等,常用的类型如下: Standard:标准类型,什么字符都能输入,只要是当前字体支持的。 Autocorrected:自动更正 Integer Number:整数类型,只能输入整数。 Decimal ...
unity game-development awesome-list Updated Jan 22, 2025 ColinLeung-NiloCat / UnityURPToonLitShaderExample Star 6.6k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions A very simple toon lit shader example, for you to learn writing custom lit shader in Unity URP unity shader lit character outline hlsl...
Can I use Unity for AR development? Unity is commonly utilized for AR development, with robust support for AR platforms. The book “Complete Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development with Unity” is an excellent resource for learning about AR development with Unity....
A CharacterController is not affected by forces and will only move when you call the Move function. It will then carry out the movement but be constrained by collisions.Additional resources: Character Controller component and Character animation examples Properties center The center of the character'...
角色关节 (Character Joint)*: 延长的球窝关节,可在每个轴上限制关节。主要用于布娃娃效果。更多信息 布料(Cloth): 一个与带蒙皮的网格渲染器 (Skinned Mesh Renderer) 协同工作的组件,提供基于物理的面料模拟解决方案。更多信息 碰撞体 (Collider)*: 一种不可见的形状,用于处理对象的物理碰撞。碰撞体不需要与对象...
Unity-自定义==运算符,我们应该保留它吗?Custom == operator, should we keep it?_unity 自定义运算符_Ryuu-64的博客-CSDN博客 eg A: Debug.Log("test begin"); Destroy(gameObject); await UniTask.Delay(1000); Debug.Log($"this == null {this == null}"); ...
2D Character Controllers CharacterController2D - A 2D controller that behaves very similarly to Unity's CharacterController component. PlatformerRails - Character Controller for 2.5D Platformer on Unity. SuperCharacterController - Unity custom character controller. 2DCharacterControllerTutorial - Source code...