Could not read Username: terminal prompts disabled 如果您尝试从需要身份验证的专用代码仓库安装包,则在 Unity 控制台中会出现以下类似的消息: Cannot perform upm operation: Unable to add package [https://mycompany.github...
SetActive(false); }, (INError error) => { Debug.LogErrorFormat ("Could not login user: '{0}'.", error.Message); }); } Login 方法(来自第三方插件) public void Login(INAuthenticateMessage message, Action<INSession> callback, Action<INError> errback) { authenticate("/user/login", ...
This message indicates the code that could not be analysed by UCX. User must check the code manually. [back to top] Utility commands logs command $ databricks labs ucx logs [--workflow WORKFLOW_NAME] [--debug] This command displays the logs of the last run of the specified workflow. If...
Please be very mindful of these attack scenarios; many projects and companies, and serialization library users in general, have been bitten by untrusted user data deserialization in the past.When deserializing untrusted data, put MessagePack into a more secure mode by configuring your MessagePack...
"" For more information, refer to Specifying a Git revision.Using the HTTP/HTTPS protocolYou can use the HTTPS protocol with the full URL:{ "dependencies": { "com.mycompany.mypackage": "
One Possible reason could be that the call was disconnected while waiting for the phrase. Route To: Event Log Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while trying to play greeting for a user. Cisco Unity Connection had to terminate the call. One Possible reason could be that the call was ...
If Unity Connection is configured to authenticate Unity Connection web application user names and passwords against the LDAP directory, you cannot change the Unity Connection web application password. In Unity Connection, if digital networking is configured, you cannot edit any fields...
NPM.GetLoginToken(string url, string user, string password)Same as “npm login --registry [url]”. Returns a NPMResponse struct.If succesfull, NPMResponse.ok will be set and NPMResponse.token will contain the token. If a fault happend, NPMREsponse.error will be set to the error....
General (Editor): Fixed GoogleServices-Info.plist not being read in batch mode. Auth: Fixed a bug due to a race condition fetching the authentication token which could cause Database and Storage operations to hang. Auth: Added support for accessing user metadata. Remote Config (Android): Fixed...
if(Social.localUser.authenticated) { Social.ShowLeaderboardUI(); } } 当然在登陆过程中也出现过一些列问题,例如说在ios设备上没有反映,刚开始感觉这个脚本出问题。然后使用第三方插件,也是不能登录, 查看源码,打印错误日志。 最后才发现必须开启gameCenter的沙盒模式 Sandbox in Settings--> Game Center --> ...