Services.Authentication; using Unity.Services.CloudSave; using Unity.Services.CloudSave.Models; using Unity.Services.CloudSave.Models.Data.Player; using SaveOptions = Unity.Services.CloudSave.Models.Data.Player.SaveOptions; using System.Collections.Generic; public class CloudSaveSample : MonoBehaviour { ...
Unity Cloud BuildUnity Cloud Build is part of Unity teams and provides continuous integration services for Unity projects. It helps you save time by automating the process of creating builds on Unity’s servers. This automatic process frees your team and your team’s computers from the time-...
Please download the .zip file - Survival Shooter IAP Demo - as it is required to complete this tutorial.Once the download is complete, unzip the project and open it in Unity. Open the scene Level 01 5.x IAP from the IAPDemo/Scenes folder in the Project panel.Setting up Unity Services...
Cloud Code Cloud Diagnostics Cloud Save Cloud Services Apis Code Coverage Collections Dedicated Server Deployment Device Simulator Devices Economy Editor Coroutines Entities Entities Graphics FBX Exporter Friends Google ARCore XR Plugin Havok Physics for Unity In App Purchasing Input System iOS 14 ...
This does not delete the Anchors in the cloud _spatialAnchorManager.DestroySession(); RemoveAllAnchorGameObjects(); Debug.Log("ASA - Stopped Session and removed all Anchor Objects"); } 尋找錨點我們現在會嘗試再次尋找錨點,並找出我們在其中建立錨點的正確位置和旋轉。 若要這樣做,我們需要啟動會話,並...
Tutorial Building a Space Shooter Game in Unity that Syncs with Realm and MongoDB Atlas Learn how to build a space shooter game that synchronizes between clients and the cloud using MongoDB, Unity, and Atlas Device Sync. RealmSDKC#Unity.NET ...
Print("brainCloud client version: " + _bc.Client.BrainCloudClientVersion); } public override void _Process(double delta) { _bc.Update(); }This script is now ready to handle brainCloud requests throughout the rest of the app. Functions for authentication and other brainCloud services can be...
For an introduction to these objects and instructions for creating them, see Connect to cloud object storage and services using Unity Catalog. Bind the new catalog to your workspace if you want to limit access from other workspaces that share the same metastore. See Limit catalog access to speci...
UnityCloudVision - Google Cloud Vision API client for Unity. TensorFlowUnity ObjectDetection - Object detection test project with Tensorflow and Unity. KinectSDK Unity3D Interface Plugin - This is a wrapper that allows the user to access Microsoft's Kinect SDK v.1.7 data from inside the free Un...
Kevin is a software engineer with 25 years of experience focusing on mobile applications, cloud computing, operating system design, and server management. He's proud of his proven track record of building and leading engineering teams in full-stack mobile and web products in multiple industries. ...