在Project 文件窗口 中 , 右键点击 Assets 目录的空白处 , 在弹出的菜单中 , 选择 " Create | … " , 选择要创建的文件类型 , 即可创建文件 ; 3、删除目录 / 文件 在Project 文件窗口中 , 右键点击文件 / 目录 , 在弹出的菜单中选择 " Delete " 选项 , 或者直接使用 " Del " 按键删除 ; ...
打了了之前的老版本项目,运行起来发现提示报错:No Cloud ProjectID Found for Analytics 以2022版本为例解决方法如下 1.Edit->Project Settings 找到Services image.png 选择select organzition,选择自己的证书,完成后进入下一届面,说明修改成功,直接运行就可以了...
Cut / Copy / Pase : 剪切(Ctrl +X),复制(Ctrl + C),粘贴(Ctrl + V) Duplicate / Delete : 复制并粘贴(Ctrl + D) 删除 (Shift + Delete) Frame Selected: 居中并最大化选择的物体 (快捷键F) Lock View to Select : 锁定当前视图,对象的移动则会带动场景视图的移动 (Shift + f) Find / Select...
Projects that you create using the Unity Editor or the Unity Hub are assigned a Unity Cloud project ID by default.If you need to link a Unity Editor project to a Unity Cloud project, two alternatives are available:Create a project ID from the Unity Editor Link the Unity Editor project to...
LogIdstring日志消息的唯一标识符。 OperationNamestring操作,例如登录、注销、读取、写入等。 OperationVersionstring诊断日志格式的 Databricks 架构版本。 RequestIdstring唯一的请求 ID。 RequestParamsstring事件中使用的参数键值对。 _ResourceId字符串与记录关联的资源的唯一标识符 ...
A Tencent Cloud account can create a maximum of 300 IM apps. If you want to create a new app,disable and deletean unwanted app first.Once an app (along with its SDKAppID) is deleted, the service it provides and all its data are lost. Proceed with caution. ...
Unity editor: Fix plugin causing project to fail compilation on Cloud Build (#314) Unity editor: Fix exception with null external editor path Unity editor: Use Path.GetFullPath to work better with Unity packages Unity editor: Fix to only post process the Unity generated solution file2017.3...
开发类(AuthServices认证、CloudFunctions云函数、CloudDB云数据库、CloudStorage云存储) 质量类(Crash崩溃服务、APM性能管理) 增长类(RemoteConfiguration远程配置、AppLinking应用链接、AppMessaging应用内消息) 三步集成SDK: 使用方法为下载程序包并导入到Unity项目中进行开发。由于存在的差异,在开发过程中仍然需要进行简单...
Any cloud storage provider is fine, so thanks! I've shared the project with our team to reproduce as soon as possible. Have a good start of your weekend! Member ptc-pscheper commented Sep 8, 2023 Hi there, with your specific project we've been able to reproduce the issue. We're cu...