using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour { private NavMeshAgent agent; void Start() { //获取组件 agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>(); } void Update() { //鼠标左键点击 if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { //摄像机到点击位置的的射线 Ray ray ...
然后创建一个capsule(胶囊)运动体,为该胶囊挂在一个Nav Mesh Agent(Component - Navigation - Nav Mesh Agent);最后写一个脚本就可以实现自动寻路了。脚本如下: using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;publicclassRun:MonoBehaviour{publicTransform TargetObject=null;voidStart(){if(TargetObject!=null){GetCompone...
navMeshAgent.SetDestination(hit.point);//实现移动 isRun = true;//正在移动 } if (navMeshAgent.remainingDistance<=0.3f&&Vector3.Distance(navMeshAgent.transform.position,hit.point)<=0.3f)//距离判断 { isRun = false;//停止移动 } } if (isRun)//是否移动 { line.positionCount = navMeshAgent.p...
When this tickbox is unchecked, the NavMesh Link only functions one-way (from the start point to the end point only). Area Type The area type of the NavMesh Link (this affects pathfinding costs). - Walkable (this is the default option) - Not Walkable - Jump ...
在Unity3D中,可以通过NavMesh系统实现寻路与导航功能。NavMesh是一种基于网格的寻路技术,可以在场景中生成一个可行走区域的网格,角色可以根据这个网格自动寻找路径。Unity3D提供了NavMesh Agent组件和NavMesh Obstacle组件,分别用于角色的移动和障碍物的设置。
Building a NavMesh for your scene can be done in 4 quick steps: Selectscene geometry that should affect the navigation – walkable surfaces and obstacles. Check Navigation Staticon to include selected objects in the NavMesh baking process. ...
Unity - NavMeshAgent-GetStart Select scene geometry that should affect the navigation – walkable surfaces and obstacles. Check Navigation Static on to include selected objects in the NavMesh baking process. Adjust the bake settings to match your agent size....
这种差异使 NavMesh 成为更平滑、更自然运动的更好解决方案。使用一个非常用户友好的界面,你可以在 Unity 中烘焙一个 NavMesh 来为一个预定义的代理标记表面上的可行走区域。让我们看看这是如何工作的。打开Unity 并创建一个新的 3D 项目。在主场景中,创建一个游戏对象,并将其命名为关卡。这将是我们将要用原语...
Set the Navigation Area to Non-Walkable 将Navigation Area 设为 Non-Walkable(注:编辑器中是 Not Walkable)Bake the NavMesh 烘焙NavMeshNavMesh设置 烘焙Navigation Nodes 导航节点 导航节点 For enemies to move around the stage, we will need to set up nodes for them to be able to go from point ...