if(GUILayout.Button("改变颜色")) { //返回游戏对象上type类型的组件,若没有,返回无 this.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.red; } if(GUILayout.Button("GetComponents")) { //查找自身所有父类是Component的组件,即可查找出所有挂在物体上的组件 var allComponent=this.GetComponents<Co...
NavMesh Agent 一、Navigation面板 这里写图片描述 Navigation面板中包括几个模块 Agents 这里写图片描述 这个是可以添加多个NabigationAgents可以用不同的Agents 参数: Name:设置烘培Agents的名字 Radius:烘培的半径,也就是物体的烘培的半径。这个值影响物体能通过的路径的大小 ...
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; public class 导航系统1 : MonoBehaviour { private NavMeshAgent agent; public Transform target; void Start() { agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>(); } void Update() { agent.SetDestination(target.position);//每帧都会导航到目标点去 if(Input.GetKeyUp(KeyC...
navMeshAgent.SetDestination(hit.point);//实现移动 isRun = true;//正在移动 } if (navMeshAgent.remainingDistance<=0.3f&&Vector3.Distance(navMeshAgent.transform.position,hit.point)<=0.3f)//距离判断 { isRun = false;//停止移动 } } if (isRun)//是否移动 { line.positionCount = navMeshAgent.p...
The NavMesh Link’s start and end point must only be on one NavMesh Surface - be careful if you have multiple NavMeshes at the same location. If you are loading a second NavMesh Surface and you have unconnected NavMesh Links in the first Scene, check that they do not connect to an...
In Unity, NavMesh generation is handled from the Navigation window (menu: Window > Navigation). Building a NavMesh for your scene can be done in 4 quick steps:Select scene geometry that should affect the navigation – walkable surfaces and obstacles. Check Navigation Static on to include ...
navMeshAgent.SetDestination(moveTarget.transform.position);//让对应组件调用一个SetDastination(目标点)方法//如果怪物的目标死了if(moveTarget.playSta ==PlaySta.Death) {//寻路停止navMeshAgent.isStopped =true;//状态切换到闲置enemySta =EnemySta.Idle; ...
// We need to hit something (with a collider on it) if(!hit.transform) return; // Get input vector from kayboard or analog stick and make it length 1 at most targetPosition = hit.point; seeker.StartPath(transform.position, targetPosition); ...
// We need to hit something (with a collider on it) if(!hit.transform) return; // Get input vector from kayboard or analog stick and make it length 1 at most targetPosition = hit.point; seeker.StartPath(transform.position, targetPosition); ...
编写脚本控制角色的移动,通过NavMesh Agent组件的SetDestination方法设置目标位置。 三、基于AStar算法的寻路与导航解 虽然Unity3D提供了NavMesh系统来实现寻路与导航功能,但有时候我们需要更灵活和精确的路径规划,这时就需要使用AStar算法来实现自定义的寻路与导航解。下面将介绍如何在Unity3D中实现基于AStar算法的寻路与导航...