更常见的是出现在多线程时一个线程遍历集合,* 另一个线程修改集合的时候,每次改变数组,版本号都会加1.* 简单点总结:通过version来跟踪集合是否发生改变(remove, insert, sort),如果在foreach遍历时发生改变则抛出异常。*/privateint_version;[NonSerialized]privateObject_syncRoot;/* _emptyArray* 这是个静态只读...
Added support for array pointer view (like in C++). Take a pointer expression then append a comma and the number of elements you want to see. Added support for async constructs. Integration: Added support for automatically refreshing Unity's asset database on save. This feature is enabled by...
A texture array is a collection of same size/format/flags 2D textures that look like a single object to the GPU, and can be sam... Texture Import Settings Sprite (2D and UI) Select this if you are using the Texture in a 2D game as a Sprite. For more information, see the Sprite ...
MessagePack for C# IntKey is the fastest. StringKey is slower than IntKey because matching the character string of property names is required. IntKey works by reading the array length, then for (array length) { binary decode }. StringKey works by reading map length, for (map length) { ...
Returns an empty array if no GameObjects have the tag. FindWithTag Retrieves the first active GameObject tagged with the specified tag. Returns null if no GameObject has the tag. GetScene Retrieves the Scene which contains the GameObject with the specified instance ID. InstantiateGameObjects ...
("Time taken to check if it contains key in Dictionary"+stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds+" ms");stopWatch.Reset();#endregion}privatevoidPerformTest(){#regionARRAY_ITERATIONstopWatch.Start();for(int i=0;i<intArray.Length;i++){}stopWatch.Stop();UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Time Taken By Array "+...
Solutions Implemented for Compatibility with Unity 2021 and Higher Versions: Issue: Execution failed for task ':unityLibrary:BuildIl2CppTask'. Error: NDK is not installed Solution: In the unityLibrary/build.gradle file, comment out the f...
//客户端消息事件privatestaticvoidOnClientEvent(Socket s){//从字典中获取该客户端信息类Client client=clients[s];//该客户端的读缓冲区ByteArray readBuff=client.readBuff;//如果缓冲区剩余空间不足 清除if(readBuff.remain<=0){OnReceiveData(client);readBuff.MoveBytes();}//如果依然不足 接收数据失败 ...
PlayerSettings.SetPropertyString("additionalIl2CppArgs", "--emit-null-checks --enable-array-bounds-check",UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.WebGL); } } 降低发布尺寸 WebGL 平台的内容是需要用户通过浏览器,从 Web 服务器上进行下载,所以控制好发布大小,减少用户的加载时间是非常有必要的,可以通过以下几种方式帮...
General: Update asset labels so that External Dependency Manager works even if files in Firebase SDK are moved. Firestore: Added Query.WhereArrayContains() query operator to find documents where an array field contains a specific element. Firestore: Added FieldValue.ArrayUnion() and FieldValue.Arra...