首先要确保目标主机的网络连接是正常的,可以通过ping命令检测目标主机是否可以正常访问。 ```csharp // 使用ping命令检测目标主机是否可以正常访问 ``` ###**步骤2:检查目标主机的防火墙设置** 目标主机可能设置了防火墙规则限制了连接,需要检查并确保Unity的连接可以通过。 ```csharp // 检查目标主机防火墙设置,...
1.先看网络上说www不能加载mp3格式,所以选择了UnityWebRequestMultimedia来加载; 2.由于做安卓Unity交互所以本地文件地址是安卓传给我的,路径为/data/user/0/下应用的私有化目录,发现Unity的UnityWebRequestMultimedia访问后返回的Error是:Cannot connect to destination host. 3.无奈只能从路径中把mp3文件拷贝出来到Ap...
马三在公司大部分时间做的都是游戏业务逻辑和编辑器工具等相关工作,因此对Unity AssetBundle这块的知识点...
ios上需要加“file://”,不然会报错:cannot connect to destination host,一般报引错误多为路径有问题。 android上最好用以上格式,Application.streamingAssetsPath可能在安卓上也会无法读取到文件。
"Cannot resolve proxy" "Cannot resolve destination host" "Cannot connect to destination host" "Access denied" "Generic/unknown HTTP error" "Unable to read data" "Request timeout" "Error during HTTP POST transmission" "Unable to complete SSL connection" ...
curl发送POST请求 今天写Gitlab的一个merge request hook,使用curl来简化测试请求.简单备忘一下,如何使用...
- Both requests fail ("www.google.com: Error: Cannot connect to destination host" & "www.unity.com: Error: Cannot connect to destination host") Actual result: Unity doesn't acknowledge the exclusion list set up in Windows 10 proxy settings which results in both requests failing Expected ...
Error While Sending: Cannot connect to destination host <postRequestWithJson>d__4:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) -> applicationWillResignActive() -> applicationDidEnterBackground() Can anyone point me to what I am doing incorrectly. I am new to xcode ...
After disconnecting from the internet it gives error . [2023-04-12 08:44:29.254] [error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:946] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: Request failed: Cannot connect to destination host Any suggestions on how to load data on globe offline....
"Cannot resolve destination host": "Cannot connect to destination host": "Access denied": "Generic/unknown HTTP error": "Unable to read data": "Request timeout": "Error during HTTP POST transmission": "Unable to complete SSL connection": "Redirect limit exceeded": "Rec...