Export Project将项目导出为可以导入 Android Studio 的 Gradle 项目。 Build AppBundle (Google Play)构建Android App Bundle以便分发到 Google Play。选择此选项还可以配置播放器设置 (Player settings)中的Warn about App Bundle Size选项。 Run Device一个可以测试构建结果的连接设备的下拉列表。如果是连接新设备或者...
构建成功后,Build==>Generate Signed Bundle or APK==>APK 密钥选择Unity中创建的密钥库,发布可以选择release和debug两种版本 1.4 调试 1. Unity连接调试 1.1 手机准备 手机开启开发者模式,并开启USB调试 1.2 Unity设置 Build Settings==>Android==>Run Device刷新后可以选择连接的手机 勾选Development Build开启开发...
第二步、Unity打Debug包 打包选项记得勾选上Development Build、Script Debugging、Wait For Managed Debugger,前两个主要是保证是Debug模式,第三个选项是必须要勾选上的,勾上之后在进入应用前会暂停应用,可以让你先连接好调试器再进入Unity应用。直接点击Build And Run让应用在手机上运行即可。如果Run Device那里没有...
◇开发机 发布设置中点击Build And Run即可 ◇测试机 1、将usb连接电脑,打开CMA软件(CMA for PS Vita DevKit),并打开设置,查看应用目录 2、将发布的pkg包复制到该应用目录 3、打开psv的package install,找到pkg文件并安装 ●如何激活PSV ◇开发机 打开Neighborhood for psv,点击Active,选择从索尼官网https://psvi...
Application.targetOrientation = PlayerSettings.Android.targetOrientation.Landscape; 1. 2. 四、构建 iOS 包 设置完成后,返回到 Build Settings 窗口,点击Build或Build and Run按钮。选择一个文件夹作为输出路径,Unity 将开始构建过程。 Unity Build 示例
You can install Android Build Support, the Android SDK & NDK tools, and OpenJDK when you install the Unity Editor, or add them at a later time. For information on how to add the Android modules: Enable USB debugging on your device ...
Android applications must be digitally signed to run on an Android device. There are two types of application signing: Debug signing: The default signing method for a new Unity Project. Applications that use debug signing are able to run on an Android device, but you can’t publish them. ...
Check the “Development Build” checkbox in Unity’s build settings dialog, and hit “Build & Run”. When the app launches on the device, open the profiler window in Unity Editor (Window->Profiler) Select the AndroidProfiler(ADB@ from the Profiler Window Active Profiler drop...
AssetPackDeliveryMode.OnDemand); // Configures the build system to use the newly created assetPackConfig when // calling Google > Build and Run or Google > Build Android App Bundle. AssetPackConfigSerializer.SaveConfig(assetPackConfig);
这里使用Gradle来进行构建,并选中Development Build和Autoconnect Profiler 打开Player Settings: 勾选Enable Internal Profiler 然后点击Build And Run,构建完成,打开Unity Profiler,等待真机启动, 稍等片刻,Unity Profiler就可以获取真机上的性能数据了。 点击Active Profiler可以看到当前连接的真机Xiaomi_MI_NOTE_Pro@xxx ...