When you are ready to publish your build, select aPlatformand make sure that the Unity logo is next to the platform; if its not then click in theSwitch Platformbutton to let Unity know which platform you want to build for. Finally press theBuildbutton. You will be able to select a nam...
搜索框中搜索:WebGL,点击右下角的 install 安装即可 安装完成后会在菜单栏生成一个Publish页签 点击WebGL Project打开后,可以选择 Create WebGL Build:重新构建项目 Locate Existing Build:选择刚刚构建完的项目地址 之后点击Publish上传即可 上传完成后会自动弹出发布页面,在这里填写: 简介 图标 视频 经验教训 如果你...
1.File ->Build Settings -> Android -> Switch Platform 1.1选择udpSampleScene 1.2 Build project...
Let’s see what you’ve made! In this tutorial, you’ll: Set the platform for a build of a Unity project Create a basic build of a Unity project. Share your project with the Unity Learn community. To complete the requirements for this Mission, submit yo
Get ready to build and publish your own mobile runner game with ease! This template accelerates the game development process. It includes end-to-end runner game mechanics, custom presets, and a level editor. The template also gives you easy access to u
`We should enter password when you open unity, otherwise We cannot build.`1.1.3配置gradle文件 ...
在Build Setting界面,点击Player Settting,进入项目设置页面, 首先,配置Product Name,配置为你需要的名称 然后,在Other Setting中,配置Package Name,此名称为Android应用的包名,需要和AGC的json文件中名称保持一致。 在Publish Setting中,去勾选 Custom KeyStore.(此处仅针对AGC的9项无需签名的服务,如果涉及签名,请完成...
When you are ready to publish your build, select a Platform and make sure that the Unity logo is next to the platform; if its not then click in the Switch Platform button to let Unity know which platform you want to build for. Finally press the Build button. You will be able to sele...
Facebook and Unity, just announced a strategic partnership that gives Unity developers new ways to reach and engage Facebook’s audience of 650M+ gamers.They are joining forces to build new functionality into Unity that will allow developers to publish t
For example, it could be a build number. Or you could translate a version number in “x.y” format to an integer by encoding the “x” and “y” separately in the lower and upper 16 bits. Or you could simply increase the number by one each time a new version is released. ...